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Apex flooding and no start?


Aug 23, 2005
SW Minnesota
Experienced second time with the new Apex flooding and won't start.
First time was a few months ago when it was sitting in gargage. Started it for just 30 seconds and shut it off. Next day was flooded and wouldn't start until it sat a day. This weekend moved the sled 100 feet out of a garage and when I came back a couple hours later, same thing.
What it does it just occationally try to fire, but nothing more. Took out plugs and they were very wet. Dried them off, still won't quite start, so going to get new plugs today.
Any ideas??? Is there a plug for the injection I could maybe unplug to stop it from dumping more fuel in when I crank it??


If read your post correctly you're only letting it run for a few seconds?? If so, don't do that. Anytime you're gonna run that engine let it get to operating temp. Especially now with a new engine.
Sounds to me like you fouled a set of plugs. Even the fourstrokes can foul plugs. Usually happens when you are starting and stopping frequently without letting it warm up. I had this happen on my 2003 RX1 cause I liked to start it in the garage when I first got it just to hear the sweet sound. I bet a new set of plugs will solve your problems.
If you've flooded it a couple times already, I'd change the oil. More then likely there's a lot of gas in your oil now. Pull the dipstick and smell. I bet it stinks of raw gas. Not good, especially on a new motor. And like the guys said, don't just start it up for 30 sec. These motors (well, all motors actually)need to be warmed up if started at all. I wouldn't start it unless you're committed to atleast 15 min. operation time.
This morning I took the plugs out again and really cleaned them up and blew them off....started right up. I'm not going to do the short start ups again.
By the way, I've called 2 dealers and they don't have plugs(at least the ones it comes with) in stock, and my auto supply store can't even order them.
The plugs are CR9EB.
This is going to sound really stupid but try it..

Its an old DIRT BIKE TRICK..

Take your plugs and put them in a zip lock back with a half of a cup of baking soda..

shake them up good!

Take plugs and put them into a frying pan with a cup and a half of water..

Fry them on high untill the baking soda burns off..

THe plugs will be like new and the sled will start..!

I pulled the plugs and dryed them 3 times before doing this and it has been running ever since..

Like i said it sounds stupid.. BUT WORKS>>
My Apex did the same,i hit the kill switch accidently before it was warmed up and had a flooding problem also.

Live and Learn
Have you noticed how when you kill or shut off the motor it's instant. Not the burning of remaining fuel and puttering out gradually like other motors. Whenever I turn it off I can just picture all that unburned gas in the cylinders. Anyone else think of this?
