apex starter removal

It goes on with two bolts plus the wire. If the sprag clutch is giving trouble that is under the magneto cover.
so once you get the battery and box out its right there? or does the motor have to come out? thanks for the quick reply
Do you need to remove oil, or the starter is above oil level ?
That's right !
Thank you for the fast reply !
Changing the starter is easy, BUT getting to the starter is where all the work is, have to rip half the machine apart. I did mine on my 2011 xtx, and yes when you are in there you should do an oil change too because the oil filter is right there too, what were the engineers thinking with that one? I went with a genuine Yamaha starter, was expensive but they say they last longer than aftermarket and it’s not a job I want to be doing again any time soon.
on the phazer, rs and sr series sleds, i would only put an oe starter because of how much it is a pita to do. on an rx or apex sled, i would take a chance on good quality aftermarket as it is much easier to get to.

starter on phazer in my sig got done 2x in 2 years because of putting aftermarket one in 1st time as it was all we could get at the time. 2nd time it got oe and hasn't failed since.
Changing the starter is easy, BUT getting to the starter is where all the work is, have to rip half the machine apart.
Unless you're complaing in general in what has to be removed in order to gain access to the oil filter, I didn't find removing the starter that much more work and I change my oil filter every year. It was because of this why I went with an aftermarket starter from Travis at Barn of Parts. That has to be over 8,000 miles ago and it's still turning over the 4-holer like a champ. Now like maim eluded to, it's when the starter is underneath the engine and you have to access it from the bottom and possibly even loosen engine mounts and rotate engine is when it's best to stick with OEM.
Well yes, one and the same? If you are changing the oil filter the starter is right there too. I could see this for the starter but what were they thinking putting the oil filter there? Aftermarket oil filter relocation kit used to be available but not anymore. They want something like 200 orders before they would make the kits again. I’m sure Yamaha could have come up with a better location.
