Apex XTX for 2011

NyTrOMaNIaC said:
I can't really see it happening. You can already get an Apex LTX and an Apex Mtn, and in Canada, you can't get an Apex Mtn at all. The fact that the Apex Mtn is discontinued here in Canada leads me to believe that the Apex is done after 2010. Apex XTX ? No sir !

If Yami drops the Apex line, look to more people drifting back to the competition to ride performance sleds.

Last thing they need to do is drop thier performance flagship. But hey we are talking Yamaha here!
LazyBastard said:
long track.....gees i hope not,i want power not more track.....guess ill have to build mine....

give me some real changes yammie!


What good is power if you have NO TRACTION?

ice,studs=top speed...lakes are my thing,with least amt of rotating mass.

Exciter XTX

165 HP


Hang on to your nads when your nail it!!!!!!!!!!!!



The V-Max has risen.....
bjowett said:
This new sled/Apex is a Nytro type chassis based machine. 4 Cylinder. My source sat on one...

Cant see any logical reason why yamaha would make a 4-cyl nytro and that this is ment to replace the apex.. :o|
sniperviper said:
bjowett said:
This new sled/Apex is a Nytro type chassis based machine. 4 Cylinder. My source sat on one...

Cant see any logical reason why yamaha would make a 4-cyl nytro and that this is ment to replace the apex.. :o|

long track.....gees i hope not,i want power not more track.....guess ill have to build mine....

give me some real changes yammie!


An APEX "X" or "Z" edition with performance shocks simular to the '08 40th with RACING bars and COBRA track, LIMITED Spring Snow Check with SPECIAL graphics & badging with a FACTORY YAMACHARGER put me down for 1 right NOW!!! :jump:
The first oem with a 200hp factory sled gets my money. Otherwise, my Apex is the last sled I own. I'm retiring south in a few years to drink beer on my pontoon boat. F**k snow and cold!!
peterdb said:
snerkman said:
The first oem with a 200hp factory sled gets my money.

what if it's an Artic Cat? :tg:

I'd buy it. My riding buddy, who has an '07 RTX, rode a T-Cat when I had my Mach Z. It was sick fast and he never had any trouble with it.
spddmon said:
mabie they adapted the fj 1300 bike eng to a sled chassis
Too heavy and not enough HP. They would be better off with the actual R1 engine.
