Need to replace the rear bumper in my buddies red/white '19 Sidewinder LTX SE but it appers the red bumper is no longer available for that model (SW1NLDKS):
The other color combo for the '19 SE (SW1NLDKS) has the rear bumper available but not sure what color it is as I can only find images of the '19 LTX SE being red/white unless the SW1NLDKS is for the LTX DX model which would be gray/back with what appears to be a gray bumper. Although I haven't found any used red rear bumpers, I have found other Sidewinder rear bumpers for sale but with different part numbers that would seem to reflect a completely different part rather than just a different color. For example, I found a white bumper (8KG-K7541-21-00) but not sure it will fit on his LTX.
Question: As long as it is a Sidewinder rear bumper and the color is acceptable, will it fit? I also wasn't sure if all Pro Cross chassis share the same bumper where I could expand my search to include Viper rear bumpers as well???