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Belt Slippage???


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Aug 24, 2004
I seem to be slipping my belt. I have a 05 Warrior with the HH setup. Everytime I get the sled under a heavy load off trail I seem to burn up the belt. I have checked the clutch alignment, set the ride height, and gave them a good cleaning. I now have some serious belt squeel along with the belt slippage. Any ideas?

I think its just the primary. They are both getting pretty warm though.
belt slippage

I may be able to offer a bit of help - not sure!

Not familiar with heavy hitters - but I've had my share of clutching issues.
Are your heavy hitters lighter than stock - what about the curvature!
Also - did you change your helix?

A steeper helix reduces the squeeze on the belt(initially) to make up for the additional amount of wrap in inches of circumference. In heavy snow this effect may be too much squeeze reduction - hence slip.

Weights can produce the same effect when they are curved more and lighter.
Under no load - they work fine - but throw slush, deep snow in there - it's a whole new story!

When one gains somewhere - the cost is usually a loss somewhere else! Your choice!
Belt slipping

Well said Grunter. Noticed this when I ran a Dalton clutch kit. His weights were only 57 grams compared to my stock 69 gram. Everytime I would take off to cross a road, I would smell burnt belt. Weights too light and belt slipping. Also the belts made in 04 and newer are of a tighter tolerance than ones Yamaha had in previous years. When new, they've been known to squeal at idle for up to 1000 miles. Just my experiences.
I put a new belt on my 03 shorty this year, and it has squeled ever since. Dealer told me all belts are different. and that I need to shim with washers, behind 2ndary what do ya think?Never had a problem with belts before.
3/4 allen in heel
7/16 steel bolt with 1 thick washer in middle hole
3/8 steel bolt with 1 thin washer in tip
stock primary spring
14.5 primary rollers
stock helix
Stock secondary spring

This is my set up. I am also running filters.
Had this problem also. But it only seems to be at take-off. I can smell a bit of belt burn when crossing the road or moving in reverse.

I tried shimming the secondary with another washer (2 total) on back side, this brought the belt up just above flush with the secondary clutch. Now my belt squeels when idling. There seemed to be no performance or belt burn difference with the extra spacing. I am going to remove washer and try again.

Have road 500 miles on new belt (P.S. above was on new belt) after running hard there was very little heat build-up in the belt. My problem so far seems to be on engagment.

I did have one problem in deep snow but it is hard to track down as the same problem as above. While in the powder (over hood at times) belt seem to start to slip, I thought the clutches were just getting wet.
Maddog said:
I seem to be slipping my belt. I have a 05 Warrior with the HH setup. Everytime I get the sled under a heavy load off trail I seem to burn up the belt. I have checked the clutch alignment, set the ride height, and gave them a good cleaning. I now have some serious belt squeel along with the belt slippage. Any ideas?
if the belt is fine on trail cond. and slipiing in powder give the secondary another 10*-20* of wrap. i found mine too slipped a little in powder riding (blew the belt in 50 miles), gave it another 10* in the secondary and problem solved

I'm playing with 89L weights which work darn good! I'm having some belt burning issues at engagement(actually it's ok - on hard pack - not load) but go into bumpy twisty bush trails etc to access the main trail and it's going to be a painfull experience!

I have being paying attention to belt-sheave side clearance! Anew belt is close to 0.60" (works terribly) but when you get to 0.90" or so the 89L weights are hard to beat! (I've launched the new Apex so bad - I wheelied by him!) So now I'm thinking of changing the collars to -0.50 from stock to add 0.50 to the existing 0.60 for a total of 0.110" so that the weights get a stronger start at the rollers(harder engagement) and none of this kissy kissy type stuff that burns the belt!

Has anyone played with this component yet - with success?
