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Belt squeal on backshift


VIP Member
Nov 16, 2004
angelica ny
New to this phazer clutch setup. clutch seems to be squealing on backshift. new lefrover 07 500mls now been doing it for last 100mls come into a corner hot get out of throttle then back into it and squeals ( belt slip) whats the fix? I'm thinkin clean the clutchs an wash the belt maybe emery cloth here & there. thanks :Rockon:

you might want to check if your reverse update as been done and if you have the new part# belt,when they did mine i got a new belt with the update,but i rode the sled with the old belt cuz it was still good,but it would squeal on take off
mine squeeled constantly till it got to atleast 50 km/h. only thing to do is either take the clutch update out or get the updated belt. if your dealer is like mine and tries to charge you for this updated belt the get on the phone with yamaha or do what I did and take out the shim they put in.
Belt squeal

OK I cleaned all the clutches and belt with no change in squeal. I guess I don't know what the update is in the secondary this is a Phazer standard no reverse. Can any body fill me in on what I need to do?
How high is your belt riding in secondary?It should be about 1/16-1/8 above secondary sheave.If not since you dont have reverse and this wont affect reverse engagement you need to remove one shim or replace one of the shims with a thinner one.If belt is to low in secondary its like taking off in second gear.Can cause belt to slip,squeal.
mines been doing this to but it onley does it after a long ride in the powder, i think its just water on the belt
Take the secondary off and clean out the grease that yamaha pumped in there then throw them in the sink with hot soapy water.
