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Big Iron Shoot Out Revelstoke, B.C.Mar 11/12. .who's coming?

ken_climb said:
Last year all the turbo 4 strokes lined up at the cabin before the event around 9:30- 10:00am. It was quite the row(about 50 I think)........... Lets do it again this year!!! :bling :die :4STroke:

uhhhhh, something tells me the row better be extra wide this year.

I love this event. During the year I might see a turbo here or there kinda thing. You know there out there just never see them or alot of them. Then the BIS comes along and out from the white snowcapped mtns comes the gathering . Its very cool. Its amazing how one or two turbos can quite the masses on the hill any given day. But a hundred or so possibly this year. Boy oh boy its going to be fun to see. Going to be just like a huge gathering of sharks out for the kill.
A bunch of us from Dawson Creek B.C.I'm not sure about putting my handle anywhere on my sled(my wife signed me up with that one formerly MEAT)
princesledalot said:
A bunch of us from Dawson Creek B.C.I'm not sure about putting my handle anywhere on my sled(my wife signed me up with that one formerly MEAT)

Gotta do it dude............show up with "MEAT" on your sled. I'm sure Ozone would get you a special award for best original name or something like that.

See ya there all you mofos.

gonna bring the frankensled and myself on wednesday. do a little pre riding thursday and friday, then set the lawn chairs up and watch a little carnage saturday baby. my first, and i is pumped. noob

It should be good. i cant wait to see all the turbos :Rockon: i bougth a mcx for mine but wont have it installed for the BIS so i guess ill just be a stocker for now lol.

noobgoobler where you stayin potlicker,stayin at the columbia,give me your email again,will send pics of my sled shes strtin to look pretty good now,i to lazy to crop the pics to put on here,
Wish I could get across the border. This sounds awsum. Can go anywhere in the world with my passport except canada. From telling them about dwi
SNOWMOTION will be there I will be filming for BRAAAP 6

I will be Filming the Big iron again this year I plan on Camping on the Mountain a few nites to avoid the EVIL parking hassles of last year
like to hook up with a few Big Line Big Power pullers after or before the big Iron as well I will be easy to find just look for the biggest camera on the hill
