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Broken Pivot Arm. I've joined the club.


Dec 17, 2004
Ottawa, Ontario
Hi all,

I was so lucky. Last weekend I went to Quebec and put 400 miles on with out a problem. This weekend I was storing it for the summer and while I was pulling out of my garage, it broke. The track wouldn't spin so I got down to have a look and found this. It's good I was pulling out of my garage and not going 90 mph down a railway line when this happened.

I called my dealer yesterday and he said there are none in any of the warehouses near him. Does anyone know if there are any plans for Yamaha to improve these or are they all just ticking time bombs even after you replace them with OEM parts? My dealer also told me he knew of a few people who have tried to stiffen these up with brackets welded on, only to have the same fait.

At $198.00, does anyone know if they are warranty or not. Probably not for a 2005 RX1_ER.

Here's a picture of my luck if you could call it that.



  • broken-pivot-arm.JPG
    53.9 KB · Views: 163

Looks familiar. A friends '05 arm broke in the same manner this year. He re-welded and beefed it up with some gussets. The only thing he guesssed that caused the failure was a lower speed jump where he landed hard on the rear axel. One of his track adjusters was bent too.
My '05 arm was replaced (stress cracks on welds) on warrenty last summer and replaced with the '06 version which has gussets where yours broke. I had one failure this year where the transfer control rod bent instead of the brackets/welds breaking. Unfortunately, it was not apparent this had happened during a high mile day. The bent transfer rod adjuster housing dragged on the center of the track until it became 2 seperate pieces (wore a groove in the track down to the fiberglass rods). I did not notice any change in transfer that warm day with the loose snow. Cost me about $225 for the transfer rod components. The track was close to the end of it's useful life already.
I had a friend ,that had this recalled on his 04 warrior!

huh! the 04 warrior did'nt have the 05 monoshock were not talking apples to apples here. I don't recall any recall notices going out for the 04 suspensions sure would like to see a copy of that!
Chrishall - it'll be a battle - but you can call yamaha cust service and go to town on them - Yamaha knows they have a bad skid (mono) in the 05's. Some people have been taken care of - others not.
I see you already have the rail re-enforcements. Did they not offer the arm when you had the rails done? I got mine all done in one shot.
Both of my rails were cracked, new rails and a reinforcement kit put on in November. I'm wondering about the pivot arm, did some have this replaced with a stronger version before it broke?
