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Check out this Phazer Vid!!!!

GREAT FIND TRUTH!!! That is sweet. Best phazer ramp video going I'd say. :Rockon: They might be stronger than paper, cardboard maybe?!!? :-o
haha or 4000, i wouldnt jump the snowbank out fornt with mine. front end would fall apart, and oh wait, my rear is broken AGAIN!

That Phazer has revalved rear shocks, guaranteed, or else they changed the skid between each video clip.
if u guys saw what the shock valve stacks look like in not only the phazer but every other yamaha kyb shocks weve taken apart ud know why they have a horible ride. having the shocks revalved to a progessive valve stack is the way to go. gets rid of the stiffness in the small bumps so u can valve it stiffer through out the rest. also the phazers rebound is slow as sluge so goin threw alot of bumps real fast the shocks cant make its way all the wak back out every time so it eventaly botoms out.
terret725 said:
if u guys saw what the shock valve stacks look like in not only the phazer but every other yamaha kyb shocks weve taken apart ud know why they have a horible ride. having the shocks revalved to a progessive valve stack is the way to go. gets rid of the stiffness in the small bumps so u can valve it stiffer through out the rest. also the phazers rebound is slow as sluge so goin threw alot of bumps real fast the shocks cant make its way all the wak back out every time so it eventaly botoms out.
Man up a little bit mabey!
Weapon X said:
Man up a little bit mabey!

whats that suppose to mean? shocks can make or beak a skid and the wrong shocks are usually what makes skids break. if they are too soft and bottom out u break stuff. if they are too stiff and the suspention isnt allowed to move u break stuff but its usually the riders back before the sled. im not discounting the link problem. having both shocks attached to a single pivot is goin to magnify the force when the sled bottoms. are u a snowmobile mechanic? or a mechanical engineering major that has made high honors every semester? cause im both so i have a fairly good idea what im talking about.
