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cny phazer ride with pics

looks like you had fun, i once rode my zr8 without a recoil, at first i would runover a couple seconds before we were to leave and try and get it going, it was a n 800 though so i may have broke my #*$&@ hahaha so i just let that bitch idle the rest of the day 400 feet from where we would stand lmao.

yea as i am quickly trying to pick my sled up, i sink up to my balls in snow lol same place flygirl went down lol

yea your trails look real nice, its raining here now,

yea atvpro, it was fun as hell busting balls with these guys in person,

where in the hell is rigidone? did he make it home ?

I definately had fun too...even though I did have a little mishap in the very beginning :) upstate was prob like Omg this is gonna be a crappy ride, the girl fell off already?! oh well LOL...I thought I kept up with the riff raff pretty darn good!!!!!! I saw 80 81 more than a few times :) thanx for letting the girl come with!!!!!! We will definately have to do it again

Oh BTW phaze...your fall off was probably a lot better looking than mine!!!!!!

Porky thanx for sticking with me...rigidone leaves me all the time ha ha ha!!!!!! Just kidding he always checks up on me...but rigidone, I can still beat your butt in a straight line and roost you!!!!!!

Good times!!!!!!
Im alive!!!! lol... had a great time, deff very cool meeting everyone, i thought the ride was great, couldnt ask for a better day... ill tell you guys, this is what i think snowmobiling is all about, having fun, making new friends, and having some laughs along the way.. i really enjoyed getting to know everyone, checking out everyones whip, man it was a blast!!! we will deff have to do it again next year, we should try and get together a little earlier in the season so we could get together a few times for a ride.. i have no problem trailering to anywhere as long as it is to ride on good trails and with good people like you guys!!! i will try and download the vids i took tonight...and pull starting a phazer off the primary works.. i am selling pull start kits for phazers 07 to current for $15.95 plus shipping, have 10 in stock.. lmao
yfg, that all depends on how much of my get off ya actually saw , i landed fine it was having to dodge the big telephone pole where it went bad, dam sled broke thru the hard snow and we just fell over hahaha

rigid, see the vid where the cat rider roosted you? he roosted me too hahaha
hey come to think of it they are having the snocross next week in snow ridge? anyone want to ride too it? i am sure we will have snow its looking good in the forecast anyway????????
cant watch the vids at work, the sonic wall blocks youtube.. have to check them out tonight!!!!!! and have to check with grandma on watching the kids to ride this weekend.. if i can, ill meet you at the park..ill give you a call tonight, sorry i was busy playing monster trucks with the kids yesterday when you called.. at least i was grave digger this time, last week i was scarlet bandit..lol
Yesterday morning I tried the 1" strap/ handle that comes in some tool kits to start the scoot- it slipped off 3 times (just wouldn't grip the small area between roller + end) and then broke. :o|
Got out a 10' piece of nylon clothes line, drilled a hole in the dowl handle and it seriously worked ALOT better!
Sorry I didn't hit ya' up for 1 of your "stock" Tony, shipping probally would have came via a turtle & I wanted to ride...

Sled is going to Excell's tonight for diagnosis, starter might be under warranty (Man I soooo hope it is)!
Another dealer I called told me they basically pull the motor to change it? :dunno:
phaze, it was a great end to the ride, and YFG didnt feel so bad after you bailed in the same spot.. you were as graceful as a bull in a china shop.. uploading my vids now, one is and hour and a half long.. hang tight..
