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Code 12 cant figure it out


Mar 25, 2013
Grand Rapids MI
Hey guys, was out riding yesterday. Sled ran great all day, stopped for. Break an for the infamous code 12. Already swapped the starter solenoid, all 4 relays up front an put in new battery today as well. I'm at a loss at where to go from here. Turn the key an just get the click from solenoid an code 12 on dash. Any ideas fellas?


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Code 12 is crankshaft position sensor.
I helped a buddy that had the code 43, no power to fuel injectors or fuel pump. While we were testing things code 12 showed up. Turned out to be ground wire for his external fuel pump ( turbo'd nytro). My suggestion would be to check your grounds.
Thanks for the reply radianguy, I knew what it was just wondered my other options. Jus ran thru the ground and all the fuses and relays. Is it possible to crank sensor failed. Also where are they located on our sleds?

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Back below the starter right? Single wire to it? This issue sure is a Damn ball buster

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the crank sensor is known to fail, the wires is routed in a sharp bend so they can break. And there is no use in measure or test the sensor since you have to do that when the engine is turned off and the sensor then can show ok readings but still be broken. Try a new crank sensor and se if it works then. I had problems one year and could not find out what was wrong until my dealer borrowed a sensor from a sled they had sitting in the shop and all was ok. They had measured the sensor several times before and it showed ok but turned out it was broken.
If you look behind the primary and on the back of the engine you can se the crank sensor, and you se the wires is in a sharp bend in to the sensor.
If you turn the key and only hear a click without starting the engine you have a starter issue not a bad crank sensor. With the key in the crank position the ECU looks for a signal from the crank sensor indicating that the engine is rolling over. If the engine doesn't roll the ECU sets code 12 because no signal was received from the sensor. No signal was received because the sensor had no crank movement to read not because the sensor failed.

I would attempt to jump across the starter relay posts to see if the starter will turn the engine. If it doesn't then most likely the starter failed which isn't uncommon. If shorting across the posts rolls the engine then there's a wiring issue in the starter circuit.
I just went through this myself and it ended up being the starter was locked up and needed a new one.
When I tried to jump across the posts across the other night it wouldn't crank like it normally shoukd by doing that. You thinking the wiring to the sensor is acting up grizz

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No roll of engine when shorting across so locked up starter? I did the ole beAt on it the night it did this an still couldn't free it up

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What's the procedure to check the crank sensor? With the sensor unplugged I have .420k ohms

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It's not the sensor. Unless the engine is capable of rolling over with starter there is no indication the crank sensor is bad. The starter relay probably stuck the last time it ran and kept the starter motor engaged. The motor can't keep up with the RPM's of the engine and overheats causing it to fail. The starter circuit has no direct connection to the crank sensor so even if the sensor is bad the starter will still roll the engine. In fact the starter circuit is very simple, battery, key/kill switch, starter relay and starter motor. There are no fuses or other relays in the circuit to prevent the starter from working.
