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Code 84, bad gas

Even one of our best techs/assets to this forum learned something new, didn't ya Grizz?

I understand the obvious principle behind TORS, safety, but I sometimes question why it's tied to anything other than a stuck throttle situation?

I personally have bypassed it on my sled, and use a tether should I fall off or be unable to hit the bar mounted kill switch if needed.

That's why TORS is effective in an emergency situation. It compares speed of the machine to throttle position. It is more advanced on the Apex over our old SRX's etc.

I have a similar story from the UP. Bearing failure, threw the speed sensor off, and then the TORS code. Consider it an early indicator for a bad bearing before it did additional damage. I was able to limp it back to Hancock, got the bearing replaced, also did the sensor as they usually get knocked out. All was good after that.

On the flip side, if there were a throttle issue, and the speed was not matching throttle position, TORS may save a sled or a life.
on the 2011 apex speedo bearing failed at 10000 mi on care_bear on a ty ride with viper dave and it was tripping the tors like crazy when i went to load it onto the trailer to get it back to the hotel.
