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Darting 06 Apex Best fix????

Ok this is what I did, Changed the factory skis due to the push and inconsistent performance. Now I run the C&A razors. I started off with Shaper 7.5 bars here is the problem. Sled would still push in corners as I had to back the ski pressure off and max out weight transfer to obtain reasonable steering effort. Also the skis would track all over the place. So I shimmed the skis 1/8", aligned the tow to neutral, adjusted front shocks to 7/8" thread showing, changed carbides to 8" trip point bergstrom c/w 1/4" ski savers, set transfer to 1/4" from min. The sled steers easy, rails around corners, and does not dart. I am going to install a 13mm sway bar next and this should make it perfect. The bergstroms are rocker shaped which makes a hugh differance in the the steering effort, and the ski savers stop the darting. Trust me there is a night and day differance with this setup. By the way I am running 162 studs in my Attak. The sled is now fun to ride.

I agree with alot of the posts here but would also add that with the stock carbides I had very little, if any noticeable darting. I put new carbides on at 2600 miles and it was all over the place. I checked the toe in and I was toed in abot a half inch on the right side and once I fixed that it was much better. I think part of the trick with the Apex is not using TOO much carbide,. The extra weight is noticeable with big skags and almost inperceptable with stock skags. Just my$.02.
Look at this!!


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In my opinion the biggest contributing factor is toe in/out. Check your machine to see if the toe-out is within the specifications. On my 2007 Attak the spec. is up to 1/2 inch toe-out. On my last 4 machines including this one, the skis were toe-in in from the dealer. When I adjusted, the difference was dramatic! I installed the deuce runners on mine and was still experiencing some darting until I made the adjustment.
My sled darted real bad.I set the toe it was toes out about 1/2 inch.That help alot but still darted.I put 6 inch woody doolies and no darting at all.
Corners like it's on rails.

I just get the rear suspention to take bumps better.It bucks alot.
do you remember where to find the intruction's on shimming from last year I shimmed then went to duell'ys took them off cause of fuel mileage and top end, instant difference,I want to shim & can't find info. Bill
SledderSteve said:
Look at this!!
Looks like it would be a rather interesting ride in low snow conditions.
ride44 said:
Ok what kind of pilot skis do i need.

Anyone have a part number, or do i just go into a skidoo shop and ask for pilot skis? Do I have to specify lenthg, width or styles too?
You don't need new skis to solve the darting problem, you just need to shim the skis. Like many people on hear, I too installed a set of Bergstrom Triple Point carbides and shimmed my skis. No more darting.

Click here for step by step instructions with photos on how to shim your skis.
Just for your info, I have the 13mm swaybar in now, and it works very well, you almost don't have to lean. As far as down side, it does telegraph some of the square edge bumps a little more. It is not what I would consider harsh though. I think its noticable because I did a before and after ride. I am sure I will not even notice it after the next ride. As a matter of fact I had my Rev out the same day, and the front end felt about the same as far as ride comfort goes, and the Rev is a great sled.


