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do you always change your oil filter with your oil??


Feb 6, 2006
Pennellville, NY
2010 Apex
Pennellville, NY
the owners manual says to change the oil filter every 12000 miles and the oil every 2000 miles. I am about to change my oil for the beginning of the year, my sled has 1600 miles on it. should I change the filter and oil or just the oil??

For as much of a pain in the a$$ as it is to change the filter, I follow the manual, which means after the first filter change, I will probably NEVER change another one on this sled. If you changed it at the break-in oil change, you should be good to go for a LONG time. JMO, but I'm sure Yammi would not let us down on their own maintenance advice.
I just change my filter at the end of each season. I do, however, change my oil 2-3 times per season......(4000 miles per season)
Isn't changing your oil filter like taking a shower then putting your old underware back on. :tg: :o| Just change it they don't cost that much and it only adds 10-15 minutes to the job. :jump: ;)!
Yep! I change my oil and filter together ;)!

Once a year :-o
well when i bring my truck in for an oil change they replace the filter, so my guess is you should replace your filter, the dealer does on my sled anyways

I have always changed the filter with the oil in any other machine I have ever owned. I think since a snowmobile engine isnt exposed to very much dirt they figure the filter lasts longer.
Dosnt matter to me I will change it everytime I just wondered what everyone else did. Its cheap in comparison to dammaging that motor. It is however extremely expensive when compared to other oil filters. I paid $15 for the filter and $6 a quart for oil at my local yamaha stealer. Thats what I pay to have mobil1 put in my truck. still beats buying synthetic 2 stroke oil at $35 a gallon all winter like I used to :4STroke: :4STroke: :4STroke: :4STroke: :4STroke:
The reason yamaha says to change the filter every 12000 miles is because even the best filter you can buy fill filter particles down to 20 micron. The particles that actually do the damage to an engine are smaller that 3 micron. It takes a particle that small to be able to get into the bearings and cause wear. So, after the inicial breakin period you would never need to change the filter, just the oil. You ask yourself why not make a filter that filters down to 1 micron right! They could but the oil would not ba able ro run through it fast enough and would cause engine faulure due to lack of oil pressure. Changing your oil every 2000 miles is the best thing you can do to protect your engine, the filter is a novelty after breakin.

I change both in the fall. Why I have to add another oil change worth of oil throughout the season is another issue.
The other reason to change the filter with the oil is the filter has a anti-drain back valve because the filter is standing up. Which will not allow the oil to drain out when the sled sits so you still have dirty oil in the filter.. Which is ruining the fresh oil you just dumped. Just change the filter and the oil. I left the drain plugs out of my sled for a week in the fall. And when i pulled the filter off it was still full of oil. :4STroke:
I dont know how much oil the filter holds but I don't see the point in being obsesive about an oil change if your going to leave a filter full of dirty oil to mix in with the clean stuff you just put in.
I'm not a mechanic by no means thats just my common sence point of view.
After it is drained and filter removed there is still way more oil in the system than the filter holds, so that is a moot point. The point of changing oil is to remove the majority of the oil that has broken down and not protecting the engine as well, not to get rid of particles in the oil itself.

That said, I change the oil every 2k and the filter every 4k.
