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Engine Braking

My clutches are stock, I guess Im just used to the sensation, the REV has significantly more engine braking than a 4 stroke Yamaha. I see no need to change a spring to lessen it on the Apex.

To me, the engine breaking is a non issue. I've been riding/racing 4 stroke dirtbikes for years, so maybe I'm just used to it. The advantage, once you get used to it, is that you can drive deeper into the corners without needing the brake.
LOVE the engine or clutch braking!! It just helps that much more to rail a corner while the nose plows down ya hook it hard and then LATER!!!!!!!! :moon:
wolfie said:
To me, the engine breaking is a non issue. I've been riding/racing 4 stroke dirtbikes for years, so maybe I'm just used to it. The advantage, once you get used to it, is that you can drive deeper into the corners without needing the brake.
I agree! Just tap your break 2-4 times very lightly so to flash your break light so the people behind you can see you are slowing its a good habit to get into...I wouldn't change a thing!
I came off a rev 2-years ago with rer an my RX1 and now RTX have way more engine and clutch braking. It took me a while to get used to but I love it also. Like Blue Me said let off into corners and put it to it coming out. I to bump my brake light so someone dosen't drive up my as$!. You will like trust me.
I just did a post on engine braking and spelled it wrong (breaking) I'm embarrassed probably spelled that wrong too. Anyway I thought my Attak coasted more than my RX-1 did only at slow speeds though. That would be good driving around town and stuff the only time I don't like it otherwise it's good on the trail once you are used to it.
I noticed my Attak has alot of engine braking at first but as it slows down than the clutches will disengage and than it will coast freely for a long ways. My RS rage had engine braking all the way down to a stop.
Engine braking question

I have my Apex sitting on my lift and have run it some and have noticed that when I let off the throttle, the track almost immediatley stops rotating, doesn't coast at all. Sled has less than a mile on the odo and has yet to be ridden. Track tension is set correct.

Is this normal? On my previous(Polaris) sleds, when I'd run it as above, the track would rotate after letting off the throttle.
Yamahnator said:
Too much engine braking is bad. Mainly because as Speedfreak said people often don't see you hit the brake. That's because you aren't. I've gotten in the habit of touching my brake when I let off to engage the light. This after friends said that they almost hit me in the rear end more than a few times.

Why the hell are they that close to you to begin with?
QCRider said:
Yamahnator said:
Too much engine braking is bad. Mainly because as Speedfreak said people often don't see you hit the brake. That's because you aren't. I've gotten in the habit of touching my brake when I let off to engage the light. This after friends said that they almost hit me in the rear end more than a few times.

Why the hell are they that close to you to begin with?

I agree with you QCRider,
Way to many riders like to ride so close it looks like you are towing them, and than will say it is your fault when they hit you from behind.
