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exhaust/track/shocks question

yo dude 12

Oct 14, 2009
syracuse ny
so the summers gone...havent touched my sled. #$%&*

im kinda getting the go ahead to do #*$&@ if i pay for it.

so, exhaust question, im going to get a quad pipe, (hmf, LRD, etc) what do i need to do to get it to slip on seeing im only going to get the pipe...i saw a vid on youtube of someone cutting the stock one off to put on one but it wasnt very detailed or goof quality...pics are helpful cause ik some people have these pipes on there...

track question...
i need a new one...let me know if you have anything over the stock 1in...not gunna pay 500 for a freeride...sorry

shock quesiton...while back i heard someone say they put race springs on the stock shocks and works great?? my phazer (base model) bottoms out all the time, i need a stiffer spring all the way around...what should i look for...

thanks for the help guys

its fuel injection so your going to need a power commander or something similar to change the mapping, and revalve your shocks. cheap, great result that will solve bottoming issues.
tell me what the mapping is...im not sure exactly what it is. i need some straight answers in detail what i need to do. thanks for the help
so then can i just slip the pipe on and not have it burn out my pistons? or what goes along with it? just putting it on? ik alot about quads and stuff but these phazers are just so different im lost on em
Fuel mapping or fuel curve is done by a on board computer (this one is pretty much a calculator). In order to adjust the mapping you need a to alter the computer or get a new one. Power commander computer allow you to adjust it any way you want and has different setting. Like one can be performance, fuel econ, and factory setting. The way that you adjust is by hooking it up to you computer (home or laptop). From there you move the air/fuel mix to the RPM and or throttle position. Some get more. This will over ride some of the EMS. I cases the air/fuel would be adjusted to all of the above pulse outside temp, engine temp, bera presser, lot of other things as well.
is this completly nessesary? so its like a ratio from your rpms to how much gas is getting injected? what happens if you dont re-map the fuel?
No its no nessesary. The Power commander is just going to change the air/fuel rate depending were the rpm or throttel is. I cases some pipes work worse then stock becaues they dont provide adducate back presser fot the engine to operate. In other house power incress from a pipe switch might not per apparent. The power commader mihgt help it along. So a power commnader will increes the power and then the pipe will also then come in to play more then it woulod alone.
The reasoin is becaues the computer is set up for what the manufacter wants it be and stuff being used.
If you change it pipe, airbox, and ext. It might throw of the computer, you will be lossing power becaues the computer can not adjust to the specs needed to.
ooo i see. so when you plug it into your computer what do you do on the comp? but if i got a good back pressure'd pipe i woundnt need a PC?
Well the power commander is about $100 more than you want to spend and you still haven't bought the pipe.

It's not a universal thing, you need the commander made for the phazer.
