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" Feels 100 lbs lighter !" Arrr!!


Oct 30, 2005
I really wish the yamaha guys would quit saying, " It FEELS 100lbs lighter !" I know it probably does feel that way but I can almost guarentee that right now Ski-doo is printing adds in the next sled mags saying--"Your choice guys, buy Yamaha that FEELS 100lbs lighter or Ski-doo that IS 100lbs lighter !" I'm just thinking that they are going to use that phrase against Yamaha and have a field day with it. :o|

Quality, reliability, durability, technology, comfort and features = extra weight & YAMAHA.

That is what Yamaha should use as an add. Yamaha keeps denying the weight and they keep using it against them. When Yamaha starts using it as an advertising tools promoting the above the competition we stop using the weight issue.
Have you ridden an xp at high speeds?
Not very confidence inspiring.
For running at high speeds give me the stability a heavy sled offers.
My thought is this. If it feels lighter and handles like it's lighter what difference does it make? The only time you'll notice is when your lifting it. Just don't get stuck.
exactly, every time i ride my 07 attak, i just cant believe how incredible it is, weight never enters my mind.
Here is how it works…Yamaha searches the world for the best raw metal….they ship it back to Japan….. send it to the smelter….they then process and use only the quality material...

What is left over is slag…slag is the not so good material..removed from the process...that is what they sell to the other brands to make their sleds from… LaLaLa
Turk said:
Have you ridden an xp at high speeds?
Not very confidence inspiring.
For running at high speeds give me the stability a heavy sled offers.

I totally agree. Last weekend my buddy on an MXZ 800, hit a small bump between 80 & 90 mph that launched his sled and its now totaled leaving him with a broken collar bone. He always commented that my sled is much more stable than his at higher speeds.
cat hunter said:
You'll really notice that 100 lbs. weight on the bombi when your being towed because of a blown engine!!! Sooo much easier to tow!!! :yam:

Yep... you need weight to pull, the Doo's... so the track will grip towing a Light Doo with its heavy and pissed owner..

When I ride I notice that there is a significant percentage of riders that weight 250-300lbs. I would think a lighter sled becomes moot in point for those folks. Going through mined out trails, weight is weight.
King44 said:
I really wish the yamaha guys would quit saying, " It FEELS 100lbs lighter !" I know it probably does feel that way but I can almost guarentee that right now Ski-doo is printing adds in the next sled mags saying--"Your choice guys, buy Yamaha that FEELS 100lbs lighter or Ski-doo that IS 100lbs lighter !" I'm just thinking that they are going to use that phrase against Yamaha and have a field day with it. :o|

To take this one step forward, take any part off an Apex and ask yourself if you need it. At the same time, ask yourself how much your willing to pay to make it lighter with precious metals or carbon fibre. All that and keep in mind the 4 cylinder is the hot in demand choice for 4-strokes, which comes at a heavier weight. Having that said, drilling out the sled into swiss cheese isn't exactly the brightest idea to save pounds just to win a data war most often found in forums or advertising. So after everything is said and done, kick back and relax and enjoy the ride. Unless you get home with the sled strapped to your back, you'll be ok with whatever it weighs given that its reasonable in 4-stroke standards.
Their are 2 different riders out there, 1 being those that are driven by advertising and base decisions on what they are told, and 2 being those that make decisions based on experience and knowledge.
I'm not dissing the competition, just looking through all the smoke coloured glasses regardless of colour. Their all good in their own way.

Dano and sled dog 100% on target. Riding with a doo couple weeks ago, clips a rock on side of the trail, upper and lower a arm twisted. After the repair the new arms are not in same position as other side. That nice light sled probably has a kink in the bulkhead.
