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floats vs. gytr vs. stock shocks


Feb 6, 2006
milwaukee, wi
i would like something better for trail pounding that what came stock on my attak. i like to corner hard, but i also like to pound the moguls and get some air on occasion. im not impressed with the stockers so far. will a revalve make enough difference of do i need to do a swap? how do the floats corner compared to the stock shocks?

alot of guys love the floats..

alot of guys love the GYTRs

I have the GYTRs. and really put them threw the paces and wouldnt trade them for anything in the world..

But im sure there will be alot of guys who say that about the flaots

Either would be better than the stock ones.. all of them have great handling caracteristics
if anything im leaning away from the floats for 2 reasons.
1. they are the most expensive
2. i dont want to lift the front end up everytime i need to adjust the pressure!
that is the same reason i didnt want the RTX with the floats..

air pressure adjusts ride height..

All i can tell you is i love my GYTRs.. they eat the chop awsome and ive never felt them bottom.. (the rear is a different story)
I've ridden all three shocks. The GYT's and Fox Floats are both great shocks. Try to ride some other sleds next season that already have the shocks. I can't say how they corner, I can only say how they handle the bumps. You'll find shocks for sale here on the site, there will be several opportunities to grab a new or slightly used set.
floats are the best front shocks I've ever owned. I never "had" to adjust but did just to see what differences the changes made.
I've owned regular fox, stockers, & Works shocks on several other sleds over the years and these floats are far better.
If you can get a deal on them go for it.
BA APEX said:
floats are the best front shocks I've ever owned. I never "had" to adjust but did just to see what differences the changes made.
I've owned regular fox, stockers, & Works shocks on several other sleds over the years and these floats are far better.
If you can get a deal on them go for it.

I agree. I love mine. I just set them at 65 and leave them alone. They handle great, are lite weight, and never bottom. I checked them a few times during the season because I'm anal, but they never seemed to lose any pressure.
Put floats on our attaks,also put GYTRS on the attaks..Took off floats and now have all GYTRs on the attaks.. Like them that much better than the floats.
the floats have been the best front shocks i have ever had bar none. I have never had to adjust them after i found the sweet spot. they handle bumps and chop like nothing else. A few guys i ride with got them swapped out on their attaks after riding my RTX. There was that much of a noticable difference.
I think either would be a great improvement. Perhaps you should get which ever one you can get the best deal on.
I road two attacks that had the GYRT shocks on them and they road like crap comparied to the stock shocks on my Attack.

I hear great things about the floats and I'd love to try them. The only thing that scares me about them is if you blow a seal you don't have a spring to support the shock to limp it home.
What did you not like about the GYRT shocks.
Also, the GYRT shocks were not offered on the 06 Attak. Did the owners of the 2 Attaks you rode upgrade?
Love my RTX floats!....best by far ive ever ridden..doing alot of radaring they are slickest ive ever seen to lower at the track for the gun,then raise them up and go for trail ride..how awesome!....see avatar for slammed floats...took a whole 20 seconds to do!

sledboy, it was my Attak Dirk rode and they were from an Apex GT. I wouldn't say they rode like crap, but they didn't offer anything over my stock shocks so I put the stockers back on and sold the piggybacks. I did notice that the stockers seemed to ride more plush.
As far as the floats go, the engineer I spoke with that puts many thousands of miles on test sleds every year said that the Floats are hands down the favorite of all the test riders. He also said that he hasn't had one Float failure in the several years of testing them. He also caid that there is an internal change to the Floats Yamaha uses. It was a design change that Yamaha engineers actually came up with. Something to do with their reliability and durability.
