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Funeral for a friend


TY 4 Stroke God
Feb 1, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin
I attended a funeral this weekend for a friend killed riding his sled. Its the second funeral I've attended that alcohol may have contributed to the accident. Whether he was impaired or not, I don't know. Its bad enough he got killed, it made it worse when they mention about the alcohol. Sleep well my friend, you will be missed.

Condolences on your loss. Our sympathies to his loved ones.
Kevin sorry to hear that.My condolences go out to the family and friends.I just lost a buddy too on a sled.
Soory to hear about your loss, freinds are hard to loose.
Please EVERYONE, Don't drink and ride, Don't ride drunk.
BlueByYou2000 said:
It is very tough, I had to go through it 2 years ago, March 10th...BBY

Its been two years, I remember your post as if it was last season. Time goes by fast.

Thank you for your thoughts everyone.
My sympathy to all who have lost family and friends while snowmobiling. Hopefully we can all be more careful out there.
its terrible when we have to post regarding such disturbing events. Our hearts go out to his family and to you. Keep positive and stay strong.
