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Funny noise


Apr 11, 2006
Bathurst New Brunswick Canada
I have a 2006 RS Venture with 1800 miles on it last season when I started off it would sound like clunk clunk noise from the track area it speeds up with the sled .It's the same noise for anyone that drove a crawler tracter.This fall I checked my belt for flat spots,missing teeth etc nothing all good.I checked drive axle bearings all good adjusted drive chain with no difference,I had a polaris touring once that did something similer and it was the track hitting the plastic end cap on the rail.Every time I start off I also get rubber burning smell.The noise goes away at about 20 miles per hour any help would be nice

Without hearing the clunking can't help you with it but the rubber smell is just the belt. It drove me crazy and I was always paranoid about it being mis-adjusted. I have the squeekiest belts in the history of snowmobiling but it is because I always forget to take off the emergency brake and I refuse to be buying belts just because of the squeek.
Thanks PAMikeC
The belt is in good shape no wear,spots or cracks The noise comes from the sprocket grabing the track now I realy don't think it's normal.I will try to loosen track and see.This noise is quite noteceble people actually turn and look at me
#1. Do you notice more after shifting fron reverse to forward???????? Do you notice it after you come to a stop while using the brake....... Have you checked your primary chain adjustment... All three things make that noise.. ;)! :ORC MM.
I adjusted the chain when I changed the oil in case.The noise is only when you take off until you get to about 20 mph after that no noise.It does not seam to do it in reverse I will take skid out and check for sigh of rubbing You would think that your on a crawler tracter People look at you funny It did not do this when it was new started mid season last year.I was sure the drive belt had teeth missing but no
Thanks for your input
Based on the description I would say you have a concern with your track. When you take the skid out check over your track for any signs of damage, bent bars, torn cleats, etc.. That may be why the sound goes away after 20 mph, centripical force is working to "unweight" your track and in effect lessening the noise, also check all your bearings in all of your wheels while you're at it.
Found the problem

Well I finally found my funny noise it was the drive belt The cords had seperated a little an it made this clunky noise like a tractor.
You had to look very closely at the belt to see this
The belt only has 2000 miles on it It must be a defect in the belt
Try the Carlisle belt #138-4432U3 and the squeeling will go away. Guaranteed. Yamaha says to put 22 pounds on the track and then adjust. I have found 22 pounts is way too much and cooked the Hyfax after 400 miles. I ran a much looser track and now have 1500 miles on the Hyfax and it looks perfect. Anyone else had this problem?
I also have a 06 RS Venture, and had a similar problem with the belt with very low miles on it. Actually last winter I blew up 5 belts (after which I decided enough is enough naturally) I figured the belts were blowing up because of excess heat, so as not to work the clutches as hard I decided to change the gearing, also so there was less dragg on the track I put external drivers on so I could run the track a little more loose. Also I noticed that there isn't very much air flow around the clutches and I used a hole saw in the clutch guard and covered it with snow screen, these changes helped a great deal, the proof is.....I haven't changed a belt yet this year and I've put almost 2000kms on already!
