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Gas dump


Dec 29, 2008
Anchorage, Alaska
Tipped the XTX on its sides to get the skid back in. No issues noticed when on the right side. Fuel spilled from under the cowl while on the left. I made no effort to investigate it so I thought I'd ask here....where did the fuel come from?


My guess would be the vent line. On my Attak it winds around to the right and then back left , ending up pointing down behind the left cowl.
Viper Dave is right. The vent on the XTX runs down the left side of the sled, right to your left foot.
Yep, it's on the left side! I learned that when I fueled mine up for the first time and when I came back to my garage it reeked of fumes and I had a nice puddle of gas on the floor! Don't fill it up higher than the bottom of the filler neck I guess! My own fault! IMO Yamaha has that vent line routed really nicely down the left side cowl and harmlessly out the bottom. All of my other sleds in the past simply pissed it into the bottom of the engine bay! Not cool!!
If you had it tipped over on the left side you may want to check for oil in the air box too.
I've been trying to find where I read the warming about tipping the sled on it's left side - "for prolonged periods" - is the phrase I remember. I don't recall anything about a limit. But you may be able to estimate this by looking at the oil intake tube on the top of the reservoir and guessing where the oil level is relative to that when you tip the sled.
2 weeks ago i had my first fill up on my XTX and i have a trail tank and i topped it off like i do on my apex and about 2 mins later she was puking about a gallion of gas on the concrete i thought my sled was about self destruct. but when it finally stopped i realized it was burping out the over flow
Just installed my trail tank tonight. Is there an issue with filling these tanks that it pukes out? I didn't fill mine yet only 2 gallons but now I'm nervous to leave it in the garage with a full tank.
apexer it only did to to me that one time i filled it up right to spout next time ill let to sit down alil more see what happens
So for all the guys who install their own skid plates, how are they dealing with tipping? The only way I know to install a skid plate is to tip the machine. I've never seen instructions say which side to tip to, and that includes the current Yamaha Nytro instructions. In fact I recall the Nytro instructions showing illustrations with the sled on its left side.
Find your vent and fish the middle of it up toward your handle bars then back down. This will put a bend in it higher than the tank fitting. By doing this you will never have to worry about leaking gas out of the vent by overfilling the tank. It allows you to remove the white tube filler and put in xtra gas.
I double checked the skid plate install instructions. Yamaha says to clamp the vent line to prevent fuel spills. Then you can tip it up to 90* with no mention of a time limit.
