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green drive light goes out and pop's out of gear


TY 4 Stroke God
Nov 30, 2005
East Falmouth, Ma.
on my phazer fx over the week i was driving on a straight away about 65 and i heard a clunk and then i looked down and saw the green drive light go out and when i left off the throttle the green light went on and went back into gear it did this about 3 or 4 different time, i know going from forward to reverse it sometimes blink's and you rock it and it pop's back in but this is a first for me on this with 956 mi., anyone else have this done to them?

Ya whatever Shark! You were trying to do one of those stop wheelies!! :moon:

No seriously, I havent heard or seen of that but, I would definently get that checked out.
I had the same thing happen, check your chain case oil! I hit something which put a hole in the chain case and i lost all my oil #$%&* The chain case is in a very vulnerable spot and is part of the bulkhead #$%&* 3 week wait for parts and $1200 later i am riding again.
hon23c said:
I had the same thing happen, check your chain case oil! I hit something which put a hole in the chain case and i lost all my oil #$%&* The chain case is in a very vulnerable spot and is part of the bulkhead #$%&* 3 week wait for parts and $1200 later i am riding again.

checked it, it was fine
