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have secondary apart. Need advice


Aug 27, 2011
Northern Ontario
I know dink all about clutches for starters.
My sled was topping out at about 50mph but was topping out rpm where it was supposed to be so I took off my secondary to clean it for the first time since I owned the sled. WHAT A MESS! It must be the first time It has been off. There must have been a pound of grease/belt dust, and other crap stuck in there. I still have it apart in the shop but have to run and get some more break cleaner or something to finish the clean up. But have a few questions.
1. I started with break cleaner and was using that orange abrasive hand soap to clean it. Any reason I shouldn’t finish this way? Might let all the pieces soak in dish soapy water tho too
2. The black spring has a few areas where the rubber coating is worn to the metal, I know this isn’t a good thing but does it need replaced right now? I am heading out of town this weekend and the sled is needed.
3. I have read a bit about removing 1 or both the washers/spacers between the sheaves. What are the benefits of this?
4. When I removed the clutch there wasn’t a spacer behind it that I noticed. I will check at home tonight if its stuck against the jackshaft bearing. Is this a something I can get at Canadian tire or should I head to a dealer. If just a normal washer what are the dimensions. Or can the spacers from between the sheaves be used behind the clutch since they should be the same diameter.
5. Last. How smooth should the surfaces be where the belt does not ride? All the exterior surface, and the inside seem really rough and look like crap. Im guessing that’s how it should be just instead of polishing it all up. I will get some pics of this up in a bit and my areas of concern.
Any other suggestions while I have it apart are appreciated

brake cleaner is all I used.

Then use some scotch brite pads to polish the sheaves where the belt rides.

Also polished the sides and ramp surfaces of the helix.

Mine was an absolute mess. Check the wear on your 3 shoe ramps also.

Make sure you get all the grease out, and put the washers back in where you found them

Just be sure to check belt ride height when you are all done. That should tell you if you need to add/remove those shims.

Instant performance boost cleaning that POS secondary!!

rubber coating worn through. Is it a problem at this point? should I cover it in some paint?


Rough looking centre of sheave



These little V marks are fisible coming off each of the "fins" of the sheave. They are the exact same around the clutch but want to be sure



Im probably being anal but just know how catastrophic a clutch failure can be.

Also Mike,
How do I check the ride height of the belt as far as measuring and when to do it. Im guesing after some driving you measure how high in the sheaves the belt is?
Thanks! It would be nice to put it back together today and throw it back on the sled tomorrow
Those marks are fine. Just there from casting I believe. Mine has them as well. Also, don't polish the sheaves. You can take scotch-brite to them to "roughen" them up. Always move the scotch-brite pad from outside to inside of the sheave, or an up and down motion. You want the belt to grip, and if its polished it is more likely to slip. I also put a very light coating of grease on the bushing, but most people here assemble them dry.

What is your actual RPM at 50mph? Even if you are turning 11,300RPM at this speed (approx peak hp for the Phazer), your top end should still be higher. Do you know or remember what the secondary spring was set to before you pulled it apart? Different model Phazers have different settings? Do you have stock gearing, drivers, track, primary spring/flyweights? All of these things will affect performance. ... Are you running in deep snow?
It was in A-1. I have AVID drivers, I think stock gearing.
I also had a fully loaded sleigh and about 2.5 feet of snow slowing me down last time I was out so I know that will reduce the speed somewhat, but not 30ish miles an hour
Last year i never had an issue seeing over 80 on the speedo, thats why I figure it was something with the clutch.
Only work done over the off season was hard start kit at a dealer and a oil change
I have the clutch back together now. I am going to leave it inside to dry out tonight and tomorrow will put it on after work and go for a ride
I think you would be doing good to pull 50MPH pulling a loaded sleigh in 2.5 FT of loose snow!
Yes for sure.From pics you posted clutch is still in good shape as is spring.Dont forget putting a new clip on.They are one time use.Sharp edge to outside.
Holy Crap! i cannot believe what a difference 30 minutes of scrubbing can make.
In the powder i only gained about 5mph but on the packed stuff its night and day.
This is the most snow we have had here for years so it makes me wonder how the phazer MTXs are with a 2inch long track. They must be dogs in the mountains
Thanks for the imput guys
