HC 2 speed 50/20 turbo setup


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May 13, 2004
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Syracuse, NY
2012 Nytro MC Xpress 270
2011 Apex SE
2021 Sidewinder LTX SE - SOLD
Looking for baseline setup tips for Nytro XTX turbo setup using HC 50/20gr., 2 speed weights, approximate boost 13-15lbs. I have had great success running lighter version (38/20gr) of these weights on stock Nytro and would like to move up to a heavier base weight. The 38/20 don't believe will be enough to accommodate this level of boost.. Pm me with suggestions. Thanx.
My hc are maxed out I can't put any more weights on them and hitting 8900-9000 rpms with only 9psi. I have a set of super rats that I'm going to try this season, hoping they'll be better than hc.
fxnytroxtx said:
My hc are maxed out I can't put any more weights on them and hitting 8900-9000 rpms with only 9psi. I have a set of super rats that I'm going to try this season, hoping they'll be better than hc.

I don't believe you are running the 2 speed 50/20gr base weight HC's if you are maxed out at 9psi.
Anyone have a baseline setup to share? I would like to start tuning with these weights next week.
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rxrider said:
James_9 - welcome to the site.
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:o| and I was all excited you had a recipe for me to try out ;)!
HC - gotta do some moderating from time to time to enforce the site ruels :-)

Sorry, I've never seen those weights ever.
Not too many running those weights.
You may have to run them and see what they do.
Let us know what RPMs you get on:
- take off
- shift
- top end
And we will be able to give advice.
