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Heel Cliker "Hammertime" i need info! for RX1


Dec 14, 2003
For 2004 Heel Cliker change the kit HammerTime "5X Stronger" :!: .
So maybe I will buy one but I want your comments and exp on this kit thanks.

Alot of guys on here use the heavy hitters myself included with very good results do a search you will find alot of info on the subject.
I know somone who bought a new primary this summer and switched to HH's. The hammers lasted 750mi before splitting into a clutch shattering whack #$%&*
my hammers exploded after 38 miles. No refund available. This is after I spent over$1000 with this company. NEVER AGAIN
call matt @ the speedshop & get the heavyhitters he has the BEST customer service. but should you decide to go with heel clickers i'll sell you mine all set up for the rx1, they were on my sled for about 500 miles
don't do it!!!!

do yourself a favor and talk with Matt @ the speedshop, he understands what customer service means.

You'll be waiting a long time for service/tech help from randy at supertorquer if you ever hear back from him at all, once you pay him hes gone!!!
Heel Clicker

Both my self and a friend purchased the Heel Clicker "Hammer Time" weights last season and the results were unbelievable. They added so much to the older sled I was riding (1995 V-max 600 with 1200 miles). I was able to beat just every 600 that I encountered, including 600 triples. Unfrtunately, there are clearance issues and while riding with a friend on a 2001 V-Max 600 the belly pan met the rotating weights and shattered the weights through the pan. My 600 had struts and there was no room for flex, but belt schroud touched them and away they blew. I put 1200 miles on last season with no problem. When I replaced the Heel Clickers with the Yamaha OEM weights the difference was night and DOG!!!! They work, and work WELL!!! All I would say is make sure you have the clearance, also at least 25% better fuel milage. By the way, Randy is a______!

Stay away from the heel clickers. i use to race 1000cc prostock and had a set blow apart. beside the stuff it wrecked, it came inches from my ridder taking a big chunk to the face!!! :o| :o|
:shock: I have the hammer time weights on 03 for about 3000 miles? Made it feel like a rocket! I got mine off e-bay and right after the guy told me there was a recall and I had to change the pins that hold them together. I wined a little having to pull them apart. It is probably worth getting the heavy hitters if nobody is having troubles. Anything that will get you over 10k rpms will make a BIG difference. I am hoping the pins were the only prob but now I gotta worry :o| :drink:
grapeape said:
I know somone who bought a new primary this summer and switched to HH's. The hammers lasted 750mi before splitting into a clutch shattering whack #$%&*

Mark from Mega Power told everybody that 5 years ago.
Everybody fought him and said he was wrong and didn't believe him when he said HEEL clickers didn't work and broke Yamaha clufches.

I guess he was correct all along "
Heelclickers are awesome & Dependable!

Hammertimes are 2 pieces, they work well but were being made from powdered metal. Now they are Billet, time will tell how much better they are.

Please beware!!! Randy's line of junk is not fit for my trashcan. We bought four sets of clicker last year at a show and each of us had catastrophic failures. When they explode the pieces will pass through belt covers, belly pans, hoods and toe stirrups. Rand denies it all and I can contest to it all. They do work and made my old V-Max run well, but it's not worth the danger or the loss of reliability. This site has a lot of mods you can do that will enhance the performance of your RX /RS don't fall for the crap that supertorqer claims. I have a set of both the old style and the new and there is no billet and the new weights!!!!!! BSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!

After a few thousand miles on my viper I finally blew a belt at full shift out, sheared all the hammers and turned into shrapnel . it's just a matter of time till they come apart.HH's now nothing hangs out to cause problems and the performance is there. Just my thoughts. :yam:
I have 5 of Randy's secondary clutches and one set of Hammertime weights that all have failed in the last year. Good luck getting any service out of that guy. Do yourself a favor and avoid the products, too many disappointed people and too many other GOOD products.
