Help - 08 nytro hand warmers


Sep 5, 2020
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2016 Yamaha Viper 153 w/ MPI Turbo
Trying to get this hand warmer issue heated. My sons machine. 2008 MtX 49th Ann edition.
Hand warmer barely get warm.
Checked volts and at the high setting while revving the engine volts are 12 or 13. Lots of volts.
Checked the ohms on both hand warmers and both registered at 8.1 - which is think is bad. This needs to be about 2.5.
These are aftermarket hand warmers. I can attach a picture of them since I have taken the grips off. Can someone confirm the issue is the handwarmer itself and I need to replace? Recommendations for hand warmers? RSI high heat? Please help.


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Yamaheaters from Rock.
Can someone explain on to me what the yamaheater actually does? What does the standard sled not do properly that the yamaheater does do? In my case I seem to have the voltage. But the ohms are too high? But I thought ohms only measured the resistance of the actual hand warmer. Man this is frustrating.
To properly measure the voltage, you need an oscilloscope as per this video as the ECU controls the heat by PWM.

So an ordinary voltmeter would just show 12V.

The Yamaheater just sends full time direct 12V when you turn them OFF so you can never really fully turn them off, just the lowest setting.

This is the resistance values for MTX hooked grips:

MTX warmer resistance.jpg

I think your elements are OK as they are close to normal values for stock. Since these are aftermarket, who knows what the normal value should be. Do they have 3 wires? If they do and not all 3 wires are being used, they might not be wired for the most heat. Before investing in the Yamaheater, rewire them for the most heat. This thread explains it:

If the heaters you have only have two wires, I'd either replace them with the RSI or get a Yamaheater.
This may surprise some, but I installed the cheap SPI heater elements ($20) on my 08 Nytro. They’re WAY hotter than the original heaters. I was shocked, to say the least.
