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Help!!!.....Studs Ripping Out of Track!


Jan 4, 2004
Binghamton, NY
2014 SR Viper RTX
Hello Folks,

With about 3K miles on my 07 Phazer (stock track) I've noticed about 3 studs with backers (Stud boy) completely missing from my track. Nothing now but a square hole in the exact shape of the backer now in my track. I notice several others that are also cutting into the track and I'm afraid will eventually rip out as well. I re-tightened all studs at about 1K miles and never really paid much attention to them until noticing a few missing. I have now tightened all of them about 1/2 turn. Is this normal for these to loosen with time? I figured once they "set in" I'd be alright, as I never had this issue with the studded tracks on my SRX or my Viper. Is the Phazer track just a weaker track and this a factor? Or is it simply my ignorance and letting them loosen that has caused my woes? Any one else out there with this issue or recommendations please give me some feedback.

I hope the track is safe enough to finish this season but would also like ideas on what you guys suggest as a good track replacement. I'm a bit gun shy now on studding again, but want the safety and traction. What are your thoughts on the Camoplast Ice Ripper I believe it's called?

Thanks for the help guys!

:yam: [/b]

I think it is hit or miss with studs. Like you said they are good for safety, but some allways seem to rip out. I think you can tell if they are loose if you have square backers if they turn. Meaning the squares are not lined up with the ribs in the track. Inever had any rip out of my Phazer but I did with my RX1. I installed a 136 track this year and I didn't stud it. So for so good.
I have the Ice Ripper XT on my Nytro, love it! While not as aggressive on ice as a regularly studded track, it holds up very well. Unless, this track doesn't hold up in the long run, I will not go back to traditional studding.
check to make sure all ur backers are straight if they are square backers. also are they steel or alum? steel have greater chance of ripin through if they do get crooked. they dont give like the alum ones. ur best bet if u wont want pull outs is double diggers. they have way more suport. i dont think ive seen any studded track with more then 1000 miles on it with out one or 2 struds missing. but the riding around here is alot diff then most places. realy breats on sleds around here.
