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Help with decoding of YVX-secondary clutch parts... ??


Oct 22, 2005
1. Where can I find a complete list of all OE Yamaha Helixes ?

2 a. How many Straight angled helixes is available from Yamaha for the YVX-secondary ?
2 b. Yamaha part #'s ?
2 c. and what the deegres are on the helixes ?

3 a. How many multi angled or proggresive angled helixes is available from Yamahafor the YVX-secondary ?
3 b. Yamaha part #'s ?
3 c. and what the deegres are on the helixes ?

4. Is the YVX-secondary clutch the one that came out in 1995 and are still produced ?

5. Are all parts interchangeable regardless of model year ?

:sled1: Please HELP !! :sled1:

akvector said:
Go to tyhome then click techinical pages. It is not letting me copy the image.

Where are you going when you get there? I clicked on snowmobile tech info and it brings me to snowmobileworld.com and a list of specs of Yamaha sleds, not tech information like helix's and clutch springs.
akvector said:
Go to tyhome then click techinical pages.
I've already been to that page and I can not find the answer.
There must be more than 6 OE Yamaha original helixs that have been manufactured by Yamaha.
( 5 straight and 1 multi angle )
also, I have noticed a few different castings, as well as three different hubs.

pogo style sleds use one version, spline is correct but is cut deeper on the jack shaft.

at some time into the 4 stroke run, they noticed there was not enough material behind the slide blocks and corrected it. These secondaries are the same as all the 2 stroke ones.

I have not had one yet but have been told the nitro uses a different cut on the shaft. Someone please confirm or deny????

All the helixes interchange, all springs interchange. all the helixes from yamaha do not have overdrive cut out of the back.
you can use lots of polaris secondary springs in them they will just wrap differently

Windage plates from 2 stroke clutches will bolt right on.
All the helixes interchange, all springs interchange.
All the helixes from Yamaha do not have overdrive cut out of the back.
Windage plates from 2 stroke clutches will bolt right on.
You can use lots of Polaris secondary springs in them they will just wrap differently.
Can you explain some more about the Overdrive cut out ??
Pictures ??
Can someone post a table on all OE Yamaha Helix ??

the easiest way to understand the overdrive clearance is assemble the secondary without the spring and move it through the shift by hand. the area near the spring seat is where it will hit when open. this can be machined out down to the bushing, followed by the tips........ and so on.
grader said:
The easiest way to understand the overdrive clearance is assemble the secondary without the spring and move it through the shift by hand.
The area near the spring seat is where it will hit when open.
This can be machined out down to the bushing, followed by the tips........ and so on.
:Rockon: I think I understand.
Anyone having some pictures of a machined helix ?
grader said:
the easiest way to understand the overdrive clearance is assemble the secondary without the spring and move it through the shift by hand. the area near the car parts spring seat is where it will hit when open. this can be machined out down to the bushing, followed by the tips........ and so on.

Your post is highly informative and I like the manner in which you explained overdrive clearance.
Heres a pic of a stock 45 not cut and a bender one that is cut down to the bushing. Tips are cut too
I confirm that a Nytro secondary wont work on an apex and vise versa. Shaft they bolt on to are different sizes.


  • IMG_20130307_062438.jpg
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1. Where can I find a complete list of all OE Yamaha Helixes ?

2 a. How many Straight angled helixes is available from Yamaha for the YVX-secondary ?
2 b. Yamaha part #'s ?
2 c. and what the deegres are on the helixes ?

3 a. How many multi angled or proggresive angled helixes is available from Yamahafor the YVX-secondary ?
3 b. Yamaha part #'s ?
3 c. and what the deegres are on the helixes ?

:sled1: Please HELP !! :sled1:[/quote]
There is no more OE Helix then in the list above.
Look at Daltonindustries.com they got more angels.
Lasse said:
akvector said:
Go to tyhome then click techinical pages.
I've already been to that page and I can not find the answer.
There must be more than 6 OE Yamaha original helixs that have been manufactured by Yamaha.
( 5 straight and 1 multi angle )

that is it.

untill the rx1 came out, there were only straights. That is why there are so many aftermarket helixes around used.
on a side note, It has always amused me that yamaha, instead of calling a 47deg helix a 47, they call it a 71 in the part number. genius :o|
