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How about a RX-1 underseat wedge to raise seating position?


TY 4 Stroke God
Apr 16, 2003
Eastern Washington- Cheney
I thought I remember seeing some type of aftermarket "seat wedge" that fits under the seat to raise the seating positon for sleds. It's higher in the rear and lower in the front (hence the wedge annalogy) I'm not ready for a REV but I wouldn't mind sitting a little taller in the saddle to have a little more rider input due to the increase in center of gravity. The article I thought I saw had this thing installed on a Firecat 9or ZR) I think and there was an evaluation with the article. Does anyone know the name or where to contact the manufacturer?
What I'd really like is storage under there or better yet (but probably not possible with the RX-1) extra fuel storage. I had a 76 Snowjet SST440 with an aluminum version of one of these that held an additional 2.5-3.0 gallons of gas and I loved it. This one is plastic if I remember correctly. Has anyone else seen this? Powder Blue


I believe the manufacturer is Klymaxx - I don't have a site address for you, but I did find some links through Google www.sledgear.com and www.maximumsled.com should get you going. I would be suspicious about certain parts of the male anatomy getting squashed against the tank though :lol:
Ooh!!!! You painted one he!! of a mental picture Xpolarisguy (Great name)
I would hope it would transition slowly so that wouldn't happen. Hey, if it had a fill valve we could pump it full of helium and save a bunch of weight :) Powder Blue
Ihad a lightweight seat made and added 1.5 or 2 inches in the seat.
HMP made it for me and 6 lbs lighter.
they used the stock base so everything will still fit such as tail light and exhaust.
Hey, that's an even better idea. Maybe just an aftermarket seat cover with added foam that one could put on could raise the riding position a couple inches anyway. Huh? PB
Sorry, guys I guess I didn't look at it that way :oops: . But that's who makes em. I agree, a seat 2" higher would be very nice :D as I'm 6'-6" tall. Let me know how you make out PB.
