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How do you resolve error code ER-1?


Dec 25, 2007
My 06 apex Er Died. Tryed restarting getting Error code ER-1. which from what i can gather mean there is one error code stored. How do i acces the code to further diagnose the problem?

Was riding today and sled just shut down. Speedo gave an error code of ER-1. After trying to restart it. Towed the sled for a mile and it and un hooked it and it started right up. This is the second time it has done this both were days that it was snowing hard and around 30 Degrees. Anyone had this problem with their sled. I'm thinking it is electrical like something is getting wet. The only connector i found with moisture on it was the Grey plug mounted to the Frame right above the clutches. It has 10 or so wires. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

P.S both times after the sled was towed for a few miles it fired right up. I am pulling my hair out trying figure it out.

Found this below. I will see if one of the TY Tech Advisors know.

ERR1 is....
No signal are received from the ECU.
1) inspect connectors...
-Cylinder ID sensor coupler
-Main wiring harness coupler
-Sub-wire harness coupler
2) Open or short in wiring harness...
3) malfunction in meter
4) malfunction in ECU were also othr connection that I am unsure of the location i will post
Water in a connector can cause a short, which may be what you were seeing. Once you dried the connector, did the problem go away? Also, the connector to the ECU or gage may be loose. Or, the wiring in the nose of the sled is chaffing on the frame to cause a short. I say the nose of the sled because that is where the ECU is mounted. If it was not the water, most-likely it is a loose connector.


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I have ordered replacement relays. I am not hearing the fuel pump when the key is turned to the first position. Engine just cranks over and wont fire. I have checked all the connections and fuses, they are all good. Will post my results when i get the parts in...I hope this works. any other advice would be greatly appreciated. :o|
Very frustrating I hear ya I had the exact same problem with 08 ltx gt it took several days in a heated garage to dry out then it would work again. I had err 1 as well as other codes no tach no spedo but it would limp home dash looked like a christmas tree high temp low tem light all on. I had a lot of snow in the nose and figured it was a connection as well. This summer i put di-electric (silicon grease) in all the connections hope this solves the problem. What was your out come? was It a relay of some sort???
Well when i changed the relays mid summer it fired right up. But this past weekend the same problem happened again. Sled just died and ER-1 shows up. I played the relay swap game and this time it didnt work so its at the dealer...god i hope its not the ecu cause thats one expensive lil box. Talked to the dealer today and they are stumped so they have put a call into Yamaha to see if they have anyideas...very frustrating.
Heard back from the dealer..and they said yamaha said its the ecu or the gauge pod...OR BOTH $1100 dollars GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR....hopefully its just one of the above. Only good news they gave me is if it is just one part the other is returnable..will post the final results next week when i get it back.
Given the info we have now, if the fuel pump is not cycling up when you turn on the key and you have a good relay in there, I would bet on the problem being the ECU. Good luck. I hate it when these expensive parts fail. :-(
well heard back from the dealer today. They got the millon dollar parts in so they went and tryed to start it and the damn thing fired right up without changing any of the parts....they were unable to duplicate the problem. So my only thought is something is getting wet as it was snowing hard everytime this happens. I think its time to trade it.. Any ideas how much its worth 06 apex er 7500 miles...thanks for all your input!
If it dried out and is working, it is most-likely a relay or a connector. They ECUs are not typically intermittent.

You might try replacing the relay, inspecting/cleaning the associated connectors and inspecting the wiring for chaffing. Then if it happens again, you at least know where the connections and relays are, so you have some place to start looking. If a relay is frozen, a heat gun does wonders. Sometimes all it takes is a light tap on the relay.
