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How long do you warm your Phazer up???

i have an 08 and unusaly wait for the fan to turn on. it usualy takes about 5-8 mins after the light turns off. that way i know the motor and all coolent is up to temp. cold seized my sled last year cause i didnt let it warm up not doing that with my new sled.

;)! exactly what i do just enough time to get ready go out lock up the shed and look it over

Thanks Peter !

JP10 said:
I usually wait for the light to go off, I usually give it a bit of gas while I'm waiting. Is this sufficient.

Really no need to give it the extra fuel. Seen a few come in with fouled plugs from giving her gas before the light is off.
donmac said:
tkuss said:
According to Yamaha when the light goes off you are good to go, but I think most will wait a bit longer than that.
Or not... ;) I often back mine off the trailer when the light is still on. As soon as the light is off I'm gone if I'm ready...

Surprised you can back it off with it still revving high? I was told by the dealer that the reverse would not work until the RPMs dropped down to idle 1800+. There was also talk on here somewhere about the plugs fouling if the machine is not warmed up first. The manual does not refer to any specific time or RPM but just says to "Warm up the engine until it does not run roughly"?? ummm...nothing like a good instruction.

BTW donmac, do you having any ice build-up issues you would like to share under "Venture Lite Ice Boogers"? Or do you ride in warmer temperatures and do not experience any build-up?

until the idle comes down at least. it takes a long time
Warm up and shut down are the 2 most important times in the engines heat cycle. Let it warm up until the radiator is pretty warm to the touch...blip the throttle a few times at this time and if its warmed up it should idle down.

For shut down ALWAYS let the sled idle for at least 20 seconds. If you just shut down the engine thats kind of like running a 5 mile run and then just laying down..you need to walk for a bit to let your body cool down and to let your heart rate go down.

Lots of engine damage happens when they aren't cycled correctly!
Tayz588 said:
Warm up and shut down are the 2 most important times in the engines heat cycle. Let it warm up until the radiator is pretty warm to the touch...blip the throttle a few times at this time and if its warmed up it should idle down.

For shut down ALWAYS let the sled idle for at least 20 seconds. If you just shut down the engine thats kind of like running a 5 mile run and then just laying down..you need to walk for a bit to let your body cool down and to let your heart rate go down.

Lots of engine damage happens when they aren't cycled correctly!

Totally Agree!!! ;)!

Surprising how many people still don't get it!
You probably do it without even thinking.Warm up is a no brainer.Of course you let it warm up and take it easy at first.The 20 seconds at shutdown starts when you let off the gas after giving her.Normally when taking a trail break or what ever your not hard on the brakes and jumping off to shut machine off.I agree with feeling the radiator or hoses on a dirtbike or quad that doesnt have a thermostat but our sleds do.Waiting for that to open isnt necessary and long idle periods are not good for a motor.When light is off take a easy spin around yard or whatever till idle is normal,sled rolls nice and then give er.Colder it is longer it takes.Not really concerned about motor so much as everything else it drives that is stiff and cold.That puts a big load on everything including motor.Non of those moving parts are loosening up till sled is moving.
