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how low have you let your slidders wear?


Jul 30, 2007
Wooler Ontario Canada
My slidders have been down to less then 1/4" inch all year about a foot from the back of the sled since the season started. I've got about 1200 miles on it this year. Right now I'm at about 1/8" at this spot. I've been trying to see how long they last as I've heard many times they stop wearing after the first little bit.
The reason I'm asking is we have a 4 day trip planned and I don't want them to wear out while we are away.
What do you guys think? Will they make it? It isnt a crazy long trip - probably about 400 miles all together.

It all comes down to the conditions your riding. Icy, hard pack, road running, snirt, gravel roads, will end your trip pretty quick. If you have ample snow/lube, then don't bother changing them out.

Bring a pair of sliders with you on your trip and change it out if need be. If you're in doubt, change it before you go.

Nothing worse than going on a 4 day trip and riding only 2.
If you hit conditions that are icy or low snow you could potentially go to the rails unless you have scratchers.

Change them....or you will be thinking about them for the whole ride........
Re: slides

grumpysanta said:
scratchers are a great idea for those bad conditions ,use only when you need them . could make a big differance

x2...It makes a WORLD of difference! I can easily get 6 to 8k out of a set with scratchers when conditions get MARGINAL.

To answer your question, once they seem to get around 12mm or so they seem to last forever...I for 1 use to panic when I saw them getting low and change them...they now have 6k or so, the front curve part is at 14mm and the balance are still 17mm plus...
Re: slides

apltx08 said:
grumpysanta said:
scratchers are a great idea for those bad conditions ,use only when you need them . could make a big differance

x2...It makes a WORLD of difference! I can easily get 6 to 8k out of a set with scratchers when conditions get MARGINAL.

To answer your question, once they seem to get around 12mm or so they seem to last forever...I for 1 use to panic when I saw them getting low and change them...they now have 6k or so, the front curve part is at 14mm and the balance are still 17mm plus...

X2-I used to change em all the time, worrying about them on big trips. I think it even caused my track clips to wear out prematurely by putting on new hyfax and the the clips run hard against it until the wear pattern settled in. I just keep running and carry a spare set, about 4,000 miles on this set in half and half marginal and good snow
i just changed mine on the vec tonight,they were close to the line,when i got 1 off i drilled a hole to see how thick they were and they still had 1/8 +,they had 5000 km(3125 miles )i think i could of got another 2000 km out of them
That's some good milage out of Hyfax's the most I have gotten is about 2000 miles. Some in really good conditions and some not. What are the x2's?
Ice scratchers, they mount to the skis, rails or running boards. Spring loaded they throw extra snow/ice up to the heat exchangers and hyfax
Here you go...


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pat the rat said:
apltx08 said:
Here you go...
i'd like a set of those,do they affect youre gas mileage

NO not at all, if 1 thing it actually helps cut down on FRICTION due to the extra SNOW & ICE in your rear suspension = better gas milage in MARGINAL conditions, I can run on GLARE ice with these for a long way...they saved me many a lot $$$ on slides and overheating!

I custom made these, I tought of making a few sets and selling them but never got around to it...or even better than that, my sled is up for "SALE" due to health related conditions so I decided to sell it! with or wothout SCRATCHERS...LOL!
