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how old are you APEX/ATTACK riders

wow i feel like a little kid compared to you guys and i am dead set on the fx nytro and revalve the shocks to like a sno x setting because i miss jumpingi had a 2003 f 5 and it got stolen and sank.. know where it is but i didnt have insurance so some one else can get it

I'm 53 and the wife is 52 and we wouldn't think of riding anything other than an Apex/Attak/RTX, obviously since we have 4 of them.
I will say this,, I get ALOT of crap from my friends, because when we are riding we dont see anyone under 50 (besides me) riding a yamaha..

They say they are old people sleds.. LOL

APEX GT here,, Im 32

Old People Sleds

I've heard the same things about Yammies and particularly Apex's. However, I ride with quite a few 30 and 40 year olds and keep right up with them on their Doo's, Cat's and Poo's. At my age I'm not as quick and fast as I used to be but can still hold my own.
