how to know if donuts are leaking


Jan 27, 2014
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my sleds a 09 xtx i bought it used and i fixed the noisy clutch so now i can hear the exhust it sounds like its leaking how do you usually know if there bad?
A quick and semi accurate way is to hold your mitt or glove over the end of the exhaust with the engine running. If it just keeps on going without building back pressure your donuts are leaking.
Mine were almost completely gone and when I put a wet rag over the exhaust it would instantly kill the motor.

You'll hear the exhaust clamps rattling at low rpm's just above engagement.
exhaust seems loader under the tank, engine can stumble/backfire when coming off the throttle (engine braking)...It's a pretty easy job to open it up and have a look which is the best way....hardest part is probably getting the heat shield cover off. Actually changing the donuts is much harder than it should be...
What really work is slam a small potato over exhaust port. Don't stand behind it
I got 6500 miles now on my 2016 rs xtx. And I got the symtoms like described above. Thought it was the clutch. Covered the exhaust and it died. So covering the exhaust isn't always going to show. Might be the clamps now as it reminds me of sheet metal sounds. Also this is a 3 cyl so I wonder if that depends in this. But I'll tear it down anyway and replace them as they can't go on much further I believe. I was hoping it being a 2016 it would last a lot longer.
I had over 10,000 miles on my '18 XTX before I had to replace the exhaust donuts. The prior season, I had noticed a slight exhaust tick and caught them just in time.
I had over 10,000 miles on my '18 XTX before I had to replace the exhaust donuts. The prior season, I had noticed a slight exhaust tick and caught them just in time.
I'm hoping it's the donuts. Otherwise not good for me to figure out. I often wonder if a screw fell down in there from the last service I did is rattling and free. But at 6500 miles I can't go wrong changing the donuts being I'm keeping the machine forever it seems. I'm 76 yrs old and had double by pass last oct so no sense even thinking about another newer one etc. Although I love my wifes 13 vector ltx as I did her 10 vector xtx. I owned 3 attaks and they were nice but love these vectors now. I did exhust donuts on 2 attaks and her 2010 vector. I hope this one goes as well.
Not all of them were bad but the two definitely were:

I’ve suspected mine may be going bad, I stuffed a rag in the end of the exhaust and it almost killed the engine but it wouldn’t die out, I believe I do have some little rattle from somewhere anyway. 7500 km on the machine. If I were to get everything off that needs to come off to change them, would I be able to tell for sure if they are bad by starting the machine and just feeling for air? After writing that, it would seem pretty obvious that I would . I’ve read lots of threads recommending copper donuts. And they just go in dry? Sorry if I’m hijacking this thread, just seemed an appropriate place to ask
You can see them to tell. Obvious. Very high chance it's donut time.
