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I found a great price on a sled should i jump on it


Jan 9, 2006
I found an 03 rx1 mountain with 1400 miles on it and its in good conditioin the seet has a small rip but nothing bad. The guy needs cash so he'll take 3 grand for it if i have cash. I don't have the money now because my atv hasn't sold but if i can convince my dad that a deal like this won't come around again he might help me out and float me the money, do you think this is a good enough deal to justify putting my summers work on the line because if my atv doesn't sell i'll have to have the money to my dad by late august. Is this a go or no go

Where you at, I'll take it for that. Thats a steal. I'd jump on it if you can make it work. Maxdlx
ok i think i'm going to go for it as long as i sell my atv which i think i should be able to easily ge that much out of it on ebay anyone want an max iv 98 with many upgrades and low hours its got six wheels and is the perfect hunting vehicle 4 grand takes it
