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I semi-closed my tunnel, did a few other things too [Pics]

I'm hounding them now to do just that and so is my dealer.

I'm telling you guys, complain to Yamaha, the more they hear the better it will be for us, and file a safety report with the CPSC. Don't tell me I'm the only one who has his legs/ski pants freeze to the sides of the tunnel from ice buildup. That's not safe.
I called Yamaha last week and asked them what would happen if I closed the tunnel, He told me about the side skirts, which I already knew about, Anyway, I told him I shouldn't have to pay for them because the ice on the running boards was a known problem. to make a long story short, Yamaha is paying for them.
Yellowknife said:
I'm hounding them now to do just that and so is my dealer.

I'm telling you guys, complain to Yamaha, the more they hear the better it will be for us, and file a safety report with the CPSC. Don't tell me I'm the only one who has his legs/ski pants freeze to the sides of the tunnel from ice buildup. That's not safe.

I agree, "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". Call Complain Report.
Car manufacturers don't get away with this kind of thing, what? our safety isn't important because we are on a snowmobile instead of a car???? :ORC
Yellowknife said:
ponie - Yamaha is covering the cost of your side pannels?

I'm phoning Yamaha Canada tomorrow. I've waited long enough.

Yes they are, Both me and my dads sleds. Did you get the extended warrenty. I think that has alot to do with it. Plus the fact that my dealeris a good guy.
Phazed said:
...If I don't get an after market exhaust that doesn't need cooled.

How could you know that it doesn't need cooling. It may not need cooling on other applications, but do you KNOW for sure it doe not on this engine set-up?
I think Yamaha techs have more resourses/knowledge to test that kind of stuff, as opposed to the average Joe in the garage.
I am not sure how much you know, but I know that I do not know enough to make a statement like that without some serious undestanding of the physics involved in exhaust systems.
But I guess in all reality you could be a super knowledgeable reca car exhaust expert that really knows your stuff and can make such a statement.
It's your sled and you will do as you please, but that is a very bold statement if you don't have facts to back it up!
My thoughts...I can always be wrong, so if I am, please allow me to learn...
:rocks: ;)!
Phazed said:
sniperviper said:
Why should you lose power from your exhaust being to hot?

I'm not exactly sure why, its just the talk that I've heard. I would think it would have something to do with with the flow. But like I said, I really don't know. But having to cool the exhaust really doesn't make sense.

Humm, sounds like that was a pretty bold statement after all......
Not trying to pick on you or anything, just trying to keep " I think " separate from actual facts... ;)!
joel0920 said:
ew rumers on yamaha supplying fix for this, (sideskirts) for free
but when i see it i will believe it..


I am on the same boat as you are...but my dealer told me that Yamaha is paying for my spark plugs and labor to change them, the coolant heater and the labor to install, a bigger battery and labor to fit/install, and all teh labor/parts to figure out the mixture setting for cold starts.
I am planning on paying for it myself, but the dealer said Yamaha is picking up the tab...we'll see....when it happens I will believe it.... but remeber..."the squeaky wheel gets the grease..."

Hoping for the best.... ;)!
Ah! and Yamaha is aware of the wheel ice over problem, when I called my dealer to say he should let his costumers know to check them after the sleds were parked hot, and he said they knew and that 2 phazers had already had issues and that Yamaha paid to get them replaced....
