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Ice Build Up

We ride in those temps quite a bit and my 03 RX1 used to have incredible ice build up. One day coming out of Hearst it was -30ish C and the ice actually built up and froze to the front heat exchanger so much that my sled overheated and spewed coolant out of the overflow. You should have seen my buddies laugh at that one! :? Something to be careful of becuase it can happen.
Almost RX-1, I had my seat warrantied because of the situation you described. Is your sled a '03 cause I think it was more of a problem with the '03 seats. When Yamaha replaced my seat they replaced it with a '04 seat because they knew the '03 had this problem filling with water. I could squeeze a few cups of water out of the seat when it was thawed out.
Mine is an 05.

Did they make changes to specifically address this issue in 04?
ice is from snow hiting exhaust & melting onto skid when you stop

The ice problem isn't in the skid, it's in the tunnel, above the track.
ice buildup all over back of sled from exaust think of it only yam have this problem only sled rear exaust
ice buildup all over back of sled from exaust think of it only yam have this problem only sled rear exaust

The Yamaha seems to have the problem a little worse - and it only seems to really happen when temperatures are below -30°C.

My Polaris also has the problem, but from the heat exchangers in temps around -15°C. It also takes more miles to really build up.
Convert said:
Almost RX-1 said:
Not when it's -35°C and the ice is as hard as a rock after riding 500 kms (at least it didn't work for me).

I don't think anything, short of a sledge hammer or a hot garage, will get it out.

I agree I tried backing up slamming it down nothing helped I'm talking a block of ice about 3 feet long and 15" wide about 5" thick wish i woulda thought to take a picture :o| I've never seen ice like that before lots of loose snow and extremely cold! good thing thats not normal riding conditions for me anyway :D

Same thing happened to mine. It was -10 to -20 at different times while we were riding in the Hurley/Ironwood area...and there was so much solid ice built up in the tunnel and under the flap that the flap almost stuck out parallel to the ground.

18 hours later...still pulling big chunks out! :shock:
I currently have ice build up about a foot thick at the back of the Warrior. Was skipping some water on the weekend and each pass the sled was a bit worse. Finally got smart and quit. Each pass was adding ice and the sled was getting heavier plus less room for the water to pass under the tunnel. Didn't realize how thick the ice was until I got home and put the sled on the lift. Can't even see the shocks in the skid and above the skid in the tunnel is filled. It was -42 last night so needless to say the ice isn't melting. Its supposed to be just below freezing tomorrow so I will put hot water to it. I have a hot water tap in the garage for just such an occasion. Sled always builds ice but this is the worst I've seen it.
I had a huge ice build up this weekend and a short backpacker up in Canada. Again very cold. Also my Warrior seem to overheat more quickly toward the end of the trip when the ice was the biggest. My thinking is the ice was blocking any snow from getting trow up on the front heat exchanger.

I just ordered the rear heat exchanger so hopefully that will reduce the ice build up.
Sounds like you guys aren’t getting your suspensions working enough . I’ve never tried the new yamaha skids, but I would presume they don’t bottom out like the old proactions did. Maybe a softer suspension setting would expose the track closer to the tunnel thus keeping it clear?

I’ve done a lot of riding in -40 temps and only had major ice build ups when I wasn’t riding hard. When riding hard I would feel a lump of ice pass through the tunnel every 5-10 minutes or every hard landing. I do agree smooth trails and cold temps do promote ice.

Reading this post and the subsequent replies reminded me that I had that same problem just before Christmas. Three of us had 04 warriors and huge chunks of ice built up under the tunnel. Luckily we had access to a heated garage and were able to thaw them out and remove the large chunks. It never happened to me last year and it hasn't since. I had written it off as a fluke, but, due to all these posts I've got to believe it is a more serious problem. I'm thinking along the same lines as NY Warrior about installing rear heat exchangers.
Oh, when that happened to me it was cold and the conditions were not allowing very much lubrication for the slides nor very much snow dust for the side exchangers. Could this have something to do with it? Also, if someone has the solution it would be appreciated.
Go to the dollar store and by a cheap can of furniture polish, around 1 dollar. Spray the inside of your tunnel before your ride and go. We also spray the rads on the atvs before going mudding. This works good. ;)!
