Interesting (short) revue

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Didn't know it was tried on a cat....what year/model?
I'm thinking a couple small servos with a simple in and out travel on the arm or rail.
Some of the ZR's had it.As you would turn the knob a small piston in shock would shorten the shock limiting front arm travel. It was done with ten ft of hoses and was a nightmare to bleed the shock and adjuster. The hoses often failed.

I think it would work with a servo. Just rotate the coupler blocks. We all know what wiring in skid goes through though.
A lot of the early 2000's sno pros had them. I believe yamaha tried a tunnel mounted shock adjustment once too, don't remember what sled though.
My buddy love his electric ohlins rear shocked apex, but of course it doesn't change transfer.
I have seen some of the Yamaha XC races sleds with this limiter adjustment. Of course they can rebuild it whenever, each race if necessary.
but seriously....the Nytro must have totally embarrassed the Viper in the head to head drag race otherwise a sled mag that gleens its revenue from its advertisers latest and GREATEST would have happily boasted of the new lovechilds prowess in a head to head match up...of which NO ONE has posted on the web about so far ....AND FOR GOOD REASON,...i humbly might add.....
so what mods are currently available to make the Viper as fast as the heavy old Pure Yamaha Nytro?
snoway said:
but seriously....the Nytro must have totally embarrassed the Viper in the head to head drag race otherwise a sled mag that gleens its revenue from its advertisers latest and GREATEST would have happily boasted of the new lovechilds prowess in a head to head match up...of which NO ONE has posted on the web about so far ....AND FOR GOOD REASON,...i humbly might add.....
so what mods are currently available to make the Viper as fast as the heavy old Pure Yamaha Nytro?
You do realize that there are no production Vipers in existance? Yamaha just got access to the chassis, which is why they haven't even figured out the final fuel map and clutching yet. Give the sled a chance.
"Yamaha just got access to the chassis,"

NO....sorry.....yamaha and Cat have been working hand in hand for over 2 years as has been told on here...TY... since the Feb. unveiling of the Yamacat....2 years minimum...730 days....
Tell ya what, as soon as I find a frozen lake with a little snow on it next winter I will put my stock viper up against my buddies stock nytro and take video. Then we will have a true heads up. With proof. We are about the same build and are equal in riding ability so it will be a fair race. Other than that I'm not interested in which one can get across the lake faster.
snoway said:
"Yamaha just got access to the chassis,"

NO....sorry.....yamaha and Cat have been working hand in hand for over 2 years as has been told on here...TY... since the Feb. unveiling of the Yamacat....2 years minimum...730 days....
False. Go to and read Chris Reid's Mar 13, 2013 entry and educate yourself.
snoway said:
so you want to spend 11K to be slower?...thats gonna hurt.

You know, up here in the woods it doesn't really matter who's machine is faster or slower. It comes down to handling characteristics and rider ability. Like I said before I could care less who can go from bar to bar across a lake faster that's not why we ride up here. It's more about the enjoyment of getting out with your buddies and putting some miles behind you.
One more thing. If I wanted to be the fastest one riding this chassis I would have bought the ZR 9000.
snoway said:
so you want to spend 11K to be slower?...thats gonna hurt.
Snoway your obvious hate for this sled is evident--we get it. Your doomsday speculation and constant criticism have gone beyond playing devils advocate on the subject. As 2 lapsdown said --give it a chance. Or don't, but please get over it.
snoway said:
I am Yamaha thru and thru...are YOU?

No actually I've mostly ridden cats but the viper was enough to make me give yamaha some business.
you will have a great high performance 4 stroke motor...1st one in history built for snowmobiling...lets see if the Cat chassis is worthy...LOL
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