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Is vector LTX the perfect sled ?

Rockstar said:
It might be. I have a Vector LTX EPS. It's a great sled. The handling should be the exact same as the Apex
but something is slightly different and better about it. My kids have no problems riding it all day.
Last spring my son who was 11 at the time did over 150 miles on it and wanted to keep on going. Granted
we weren't' going fast but that's the amazing part of EPS. A 11 year old could handle the sled effortlessly.
The kids have put over 3,000 miles on the Vector over the last 2 seasons. It gets good fuel milage. It handles
well and carves decent breaking trail. The Vector comes across as a Grandpa or Chick sled which is too bad
because its a high performance machine. The Vector will run 100 mph all day long and in a drag race it beats
my Nytro. I'll own the Vector for the next 20 years. Why would I get rid of it? whoever turns the key on it
starts having fun.

The Vector was winning the Amsnow shootout every year, (in it's class) right up until Yamaha or Amsnow decided not to run it anymore?

I love the pull of my 08 and personally don't feel the need for more as it's rare I am able to wind this thing out.

Wasn't aware the newer ones had a small rad? That is something else that has changed obviously.
Irv said:
Rockstar said:
It might be. I have a Vector LTX EPS. It's a great sled. The handling should be the exact same as the Apex
but something is slightly different and better about it. My kids have no problems riding it all day.
Last spring my son who was 11 at the time did over 150 miles on it and wanted to keep on going. Granted
we weren't' going fast but that's the amazing part of EPS. A 11 year old could handle the sled effortlessly.
The kids have put over 3,000 miles on the Vector over the last 2 seasons. It gets good fuel milage. It handles
well and carves decent breaking trail. The Vector comes across as a Grandpa or Chick sled which is too bad
because its a high performance machine. The Vector will run 100 mph all day long and in a drag race it beats
my Nytro. I'll own the Vector for the next 20 years. Why would I get rid of it? whoever turns the key on it
starts having fun.

The Vector was winning the Amsnow shootout every year, (in it's class) right up until Yamaha or Amsnow decided not to run it anymore?

I love the pull of my 08 and personally don't feel the need for more as it's rare I am able to wind this thing out.

Wasn't aware the newer ones had a small rad? That is something else that has changed obviously.

When they went to the FI motor they added the radiator.....
Love my 2010 LTX , want to try an EPS. Can't imagine much better. My only wish would be no ice/snow build up in suspension. I guess new Vipers don't have this prob.
davessrx said:
hey my 08 has one!

C'mon...don't mislead folks! You added it to your carb'd 08. Yes it can be done....just ask Dave! ;)!
Ok so here's the big question which sled is more comfortable on your back a power starring Monoshock vector or the cat chassis viper.???? I'd like something better in stutter bumps than my current sled. the viper is prob 100lb lighter than a vector and you sit higher...... But at 5'8" that's not as big a problem for me as taller guys....
srvfan said:
Ok so here's the big question which sled is more comfortable on your back a power starring Monoshock vector or the cat chassis viper.???? I'd like something better in stutter bumps than my current sled. the viper is prob 100lb lighter than a vector and you sit higher...... But at 5'8" that's not as big a problem for me as taller guys....

Vector is more comfortable on long rides.
It might be the perfect sled. My father bought one for his girlfriend. He likes it so much his 2012 STD. Apex stays parked when he rides without her. He said performance is the same from 0-70. Top end is 10 MPH difference. It handles better and is quite a bit better on fuel.
put over 6000 miles on 13 this year EPS Hygear shock setup with elec ajust rear shock simmons skies 4in accord racing carbides ripsaw 2
along with what Rockstar said, if you're looking at the Vector for a long distance trail sled, you might want to consider the Venture too. You sit higher and more forward than the Vector, the suspension is the dual shock CK144 which never bottoms, bump bridging of a 144, it's warmer and has tons of storage capacity (and functional mirrors). No it doesn't handle quite as good as a 121 in the corners, but with snowtrackers it does great. It was SnowTech's favorite long term Yamaha last year. I have to admit I wouldn't have considered the Venture if I didn't need the two up seat (twice a year!) but I love it now. My only gripe is I'd prefer it with a turbo!
Guys, Anybody come from An RX1 to a Vector LTX? I Plan on trading my 03 RX1 this fall. I am an all day trail rider, and enjoy keeping a steady 60-70 mph pace when conditions allow. I know I want the 136", but i am concerned the 3cyl wont have the power of my RX that I love so much. But, I am interested in a lighter, better handling sled, with better fuel mileage. Do you guys think the Vector would work for me?
Had an Attak previously, won't match the top end, but lighter
and better handing. I llove my Vector and gets better mpg. The new one even has power steering! Should test one and see! The R1 engine was more than I needed...
