Does the updated actuator have a metal or plastic gear inside the actuator? I'm looking for this so-called updated version.
I've rotated the plastic gear inside for it to work for a while, but it eventually stops working. What usually happens is the motor drive screw grinds the plastic gear till it breaks the teeth. You can rotate the plastic gear 120 degrees for a total of 3 times. I'm at the second actuator now - I'm guessing the angle on the tip of the gears in the chaincase are flat, so it will no longer "slip" the gear in to place. The actuator runs for a set amount of time, so if the gear doesn't hop into place, you get no reverse.
I think the grinding noise comes from the chaincase. Maybe you're missing some teeth. Biker mike on Youtube has a proper explanation on how to install the actuator, it's really important to do it the right way. If you don't do the "1 o'clock twist" the reverse motion will act up.
I'd say you either installed the actuator improperly, or you need to some new gears in the chaincase.