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Just bought a new phazer, could use input.


Feb 28, 2010
Saint Joseph, MN
I just bought a 2009 Phazer RTX with 400 miles on it... What is the break in period on these? Can I ride it hard yet? Also, I'm looking to clutch it to engage at a higher RPM, any suggestions for a kit that won't break the bank? Lastly, has anyone done the 121-136" rail extensions, if so, what do you think? Thanks a ton!

all of these questions can be answered by searching the site all of the post are out there . make sure you change the oil and filter at 500 miles then you can start to lay into it some
Oh okay thank you! I actually just got back from riding at and wow do I love it. I feel that I've made a fantastic decision switching to yamaha!!!
Check the classifieds, there is an ad for the highly recommended 136" freeride and extentions for a decent price.
Phazer500 said:
Oh okay thank you! I actually just got back from riding at and wow do I love it. I feel that I've made a fantastic decision switching to yamaha!!!
Oh you did make a good decision switching to yamaha.. but what are you coming from?
Hey man,
The break in oil change is 500 miles. I ran an EPI clutch kit in my 07 FX, which brought engagement RPM up past 5 grand. Thought it would launch alot harder...didn't feel as good as stock engagement. IMO a lower engagement RPM feels better on the torquey 500, works well for "blipping" over obstacles. Good luck with the sled! Frank.
I liked the Ulmer clutch kit.Very smooth engagement,proper rpm on top(11,500) and less engine braking.
What I'm really shooting for is I want a lot more low end grunt, I want it to pick up the skis and hang them for a bit.. I called my yamaha dealer and they recommended a thundershift clutch kit, its a bit expensive, but if that's what it takes I guess that's what I'll have to do. Has anyone heard anything on these thundershifts?
Raising your engagement RPM will not increase grunt. This motor makes good power down low, raising your engagement RPM just passes that grunt by for accel. You want to increase grunt? GET A BIG LUG TRACK! Best investemnt you can make by far. Good luck!
Yeah my plan was hopefully to get a 1.5 freeride this summer... And probably buying a pipe and relocater kit because it's more than likely going to roll at one point. lol. And I really don't want to do any motor mods like different heads or anything like that, I was hoping either clutching or maybe gearing it would do it.. But now I'm not so sure.
Just flip your gauge mount upside down, relocates it for free. Gear it down 1 tooth and put on a freeride track. You will get way more bang for your buck versus exhaust and or clutching.
