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Just how much will a 136 expert x affect the handling?


TY 4 Stroke God
Dec 10, 2004
2018 SW RTX SE
i was thinking about stretching my 05 vector wit ha 136 expert x. How much will this change the handling of my sled?

You'll probably have to make some adjustments to dial it in, but it won't be enough to regrett anything.

I went from 121" to 136" on my 1-ton, absolutely love it now.
If you enjoy being able to easily coax the rear around in a power slide fashion, it might not be the best choice. OTOH, stability is gained, which is nice at higher speeds. Climbing and floatation will smoke a 121.
I steretched my 05 vector to a 136" with a 1 1/4 track and I can slide it in the corners I alway's heard you can't corner as good with a 136" but my vector corners better now than when it was a 121"
I have the hartman kit.
It ride's alot better I put an ohlin rear shock on the same time I stretched it out.I now added nytro springs in the center shock and the rear now it really is awesome.
If you're going to an expertX, it will affect the handling SIGNIFICANTLY. This means that you can make it so when you squeeze the throttle, it will leap up into the air. It will easily jump off of the crests of hills, and will be generally more nimble and fun to ride.

BTW: I would definitely go to 144". Not only is it more traction (translation: more FUN), but it has SOLID RAILS instead of being a 121 with extensions.
LB, I am seriously thinking of going to 144". Is there any degradation in handleing in the tight twisties. I got rid of the studs this year and went with the Ice Ripper and have been very happy. I can through the back around more. My thoughts are to have a Phazer at 136" someday and have a 144" for the chance we get some powder or even cross country riding. I just do not want two of the same sleds. How is the ride of your sled and are you happy you went with the 144". Would I need a different tunnel extension?
You'll absolutely suffer in the tight and twistys whether you go to the 136 or 144. The Expert rides higher than the stock skid as well - expect a little more ski lift and roll. Anyone that tells you they can go through tight and twistys better with a longer skid - likely didn't have their shorty setup right to start with. Longer skids have their advantages - tight and twisty just isn't one of them.

I have an Expert 121 and its advantage is handling the hard moguls going through the corners and on the trail - it does not handle as well as the mono on smooth trails. The xpert probably could if you set it up plusher - but then it wouldn't shine where the mono leaves off.
77srx - know what you're saying before you say it. Length makes a significant dfiference to handling ONLY when you run studs. Fact is that having more track means that you make less pressure on the ground, which means you dig in less and and sometimes even corner BETTER.

Boston RX1: With the transfer set low, it corners excellent. I usually ride with the transfer set to MAXIMUM, and it still corners decent. You will definitely need a longer tunnel extension.
