Just rode the 07's including Phazer, in depth reviews look!

I really don't view the phazer as entry level. i view it as the answer for one hell of an ultimate mogul masher that is top notch in that aspect.

people think entry level when there hear 80 horse. this sled has plenty of pack to get anyone in serious trouble.

this sled is setup for someone who rides hard and likes to jump and F around a lot. someone who cherishes that more then being the fastest in a drag race or across a lake.

any big bore guy who wants to brag about his sled, let them run with a decent rider on this phazer on average trails for a 10 mile run. i know what i'd bet my money on. phazer all the way.

this sleds no more entry level then a nytro to me. either sled will push 85 no prob. and any newbie messing up at 85 and smacking a tree = death.

its a little slower then my 01 sxr 700 i had, but for all the other improvements it has i'd take one.
OK guys, you now have a couple of reports on this sled. The rear bouncing up is what I noticed, and the lack of the throttle snap is the same. Plus the ski lift. As I mentioned, the rear did not bounce as much on a heavier rider.
The Phazer will need setting up to the specific rider. I'm sure that Yamaha has the suspension set-up for heavier riders or for the ones that want to try it out over a fewer small jumps. The shocks will need to be set-up for jumping and for trail riding.
actually i was told there set up for 170 lb rider. so that fits me dead on, but the setup wasnt dead on.

its a trick sled for sure.
Compared to a Rev

How does the Phazer compare to the ride of a REV? Does it feel lighter, handle better any information is helpful.
07 Phazer Impressions

I got extended ride on the Phazer in Old Forge. I love it. Being a motocrosser it is just plain fun. The suspension was not setup for me and my weight or my riding style. I would need heavier weight springs and valving. But very impressive in the rough stuff. Easy to throw around and very predictable in response in the bumps. I could make better time on it than with my Attak. I plan on getting one for cross training for motocrossing. Great job Yamaha. One helava Hybrid.. :4STroke: :yam:


Thanks for your opinion.

Do you think the lag in mid range was from clutching or FI? I'm sure the prototype is extremely lean mid range.

Did the secondary have a smaller O.D. than other sleds?
about the secondary O.D. I do not know, i didnt look at it closely.

The lag wasnt really clutching or fuel, what i meant was the lack of overall horsepower jusnt provide that same torque snap feel when you get back on the gas. theres just less power to its less off a sudden hit of power when your back on it.

OK Thanks gerard143

How about this question. When you hit the throttle at mid power - did the tach snap to 11,000 or did it pull up at a steady smooth climb.

It's a long time till next winter.

that i didnt pay attention to be honest its pretty hard to look down at the lcd when ripping through the trails like we were.
I went to the same show in Old Forge. The handle bar issue was that there was no handle bar warmers on them, because they readdressed the 2006 problem with the handle bar warmers on the Apexes. And they had not yet received the shipment to put them on. So the digital gage was saying that they were on, but they actually weren't working.
really no kidding? coulda swore i felt some heat off them. maybe not.

they did also say reverse didnt work at all and it did.
i was also told by reps owh its got 17 inches of rear travel and this and that. its sad when the rep cant even get simple things like that right.
The District Manager and 5 of us had a meeting at 7:00 am and he told us that the FX reverse did not work, the GT did. He said that the FX reverse did not work because they were testing the silinoid so you couldn't press the button at 15 mph and blow the gear box out. It is actually only 16.5 inches of rear travel, and that's not 16.5 inches of straight up and down. It's actually 11.5 like every other Yamaha. The front end has more travel than the other sleds. I am not trying to get in a pissing match with you, I just don't want people to think that the handle bar problem is going to continue.
