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Keeping this thing on the side of a hill!!

Re: good advice

GotJuice said:
2XM3 said:
The only place the sway does any good is on the groomed trail, other than that its in the trash with it.........tried a 13mm,11mm and it was justa :o| :o| fight, take that baby off
Your getting some great, solid advice from all of us who've paved the way. Learning by trial and error on the unknown Apex. I run without a swaybar in powder conditions but when the powder get's 6" or less it won't steer worth a crap....drag you down hill no matter how hard to pulled/leaned or faught the heavy pig. So I run without one until later in the year and try to keep off the gas in the tight trails. I wish there were this many nice guys shelling out info three years ago....no body knew or would share anything back then....LOL.
Another thing to consider is the rear skid set up, do you guys set them up stiff with minimal transfer or soft lots of transfer? I have mine pulled up one hole on the limiters and transfer blocks set to full transfer. I like to transfer alot and get the nose of the sled in the air but the down side is it submarines when you drop the gas or come off a jump/mushroom. Might trench a tad more then if you stopped the transfer not sure? what's your thoughts 2XM ?

Max transfer for me, when I hit the flipper I want the skis in the air....trickey balance...
