LE Sping check only?


TY 4 Stroke God
Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score
Augusta, Maine
2017 SW LTX-LE
Augusta ME
Can dealers spring order the LE's for sale this fall?
I would think they could have, had they had some way of making it look like it was for someone and then that person opting out of the deal come fall. Or if they are a preferred Yamaha dealer I would bet they could have. Either way it's past the LE buying date so if you are talking about being able to now, I doubt it.
No, I bought weeks ago but just recently heard (not from a dealer)that a dealer had ordered some LE's for sale this fall!

Just did not occur to me that it could be done. I realize that Spring only LE's came with a lots of special stuff that fall buyers may not get, but I was thinking that the only way a dealer would have some for sale was if someone changed their mind after the $500 deposit, not from ordering a dozen to have for sale this coming fall !! Huh

The least amount of LE's for sale this fall the better for LE spring buyers!
Guess I was not thinking outside the box??
Dealers buy them in someone's name and then charge full retail for them in fall. Looks like a buyer backed out of it.
Can dealers spring order the LE's for sale this fall?

I noticed on Quebec Kijiji (Canada's version of Craig's List) that a dealer has posted all Sidewinder models for sale including the LE. I didn't call to check availability but the ads have been up since August 12, 2016. Might be a second chance for anyone kicking their arse for not ordering an LE???

http://www.kijiji.ca/h-quebec/9001?siteLocale=en_CA Then search Yamaha Sidewinder

Or these links should take you there.......


If so, I bet the price won't be nearly as good plus you won't get the extended warranty
My first 5 year warranty, do like that.
I can't see why it wouldnt be OK for dealers to order a spring order model on speculation. I don't see how that would negatively affect anyone except a dealer who might order a sled or sleds that doesn't sell and they are stuck with it (them) and/or selling for lower price.
