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Max Rpm?


Aug 21, 2006
upstate, NY
I so was riding in great conditions to slush. But as I was flying through open fields I looked down and saw 14000 rpm. I also saw 13500 allot thoughout the day. It was a nice 186 mile ride. My question is this, should I have hit the rev limiter? When does that come on? Because I wasn't near top speed and it was still pulling hard. When does this thing blow? it only has 1800 or so miles on it.


not sure where the rev limiter is. u should be around 11500 i was around 12400 earlyier in the year and i bought a new belt and that fixed it
Now you have me wondering because I never felt a loss of power and she was still climbing. Only thing that stopped it was I ran out of field.
the highest I've seen mine hit is 12,500 off the line spinning on glare ice and hitting the limiter hard. If I slowly approach the limiter it seems to kick in around 12,300. You want to be under 11,500 for peak power and better fuel economy. Mine pulls 11,500 on hard pack after a longer run and about 11,000 in DEEP engine lugging snow.
Something is definately not right... If you really are taching that many RPMs, I wouldn't ride it until I got the problem figured out (unless you have YES warranty)! Are you running all stock ignition and mapping or do you have a PCIII or Hauck fuel programmer?
i see over 13,000 often when i mat it, usually drops around 12,500 when i am flat out for a period of time.. but i got a couple things going on in there... my girls runs around 11,900 with only exhaust, clutch, and intake mods..
I have no mods. Only thing I've done is I run the track very loose. Doesn't rachet but close. I was seeing that when I went full tilt out of the hole would sort of down shift launch and stay at the high revs low speed. I picked it when I got it home and tried it again and the rev limiter came on at 12,500. I think it has to do with how the sled is getting loaded. Snow conditions and such. That day I was holding a wheelie for better than 200ft and I'm a big guy.
