Max17 First lake run....painful.

Off trail and rx1s dont mix. Hit a buried log that snapped off that little casting flange on my 03 and...yup....busted sump! (cover)
Blowed her up too as no lights came on. Just lost all the oil in the sump. Almost went back to ski doo.
Sounds like a nightmare...It's not just RX1's that shouldn't be doing it. Lol. Lots of snow covered obstacles. Sinks, logs, microwaves, engine blocks. All covered with 20" of powder. Lol. Good times.....
unfortunately and sadly we had a fatality in western Maine in the town of Andover. Experienced sledder just miscalculated the ramp to a bridge. I nearly always stop my sled for oncoming traffic, best to keep it safe but as stated here the blind corners and high speeds is a combo for a problem.
The UP is flat and fast. But that's not exactly what's bringing riders together in bus loads...
1,000's upon 1,000's of acres to ride off trail. (Mostly state owned property)
They start with the service roads and the power lines then scatter anywhere and everywhere.
I think they pretend they're in Wyoming on some mountain side, when in reality they're in the middle of a hilly field.
Yes, offtrail riding has really taken off with the younger crowd in Maine also!

I’m old fashioned with my love of fast smooth trails with lots of high speed rollers etc! Kinda why I bought my 17 LTX-LE trail monster years ago, and it still keeps me on my game!
Lots of traffic on trails everywhere nowadays and we have rooky riders on huge powered sleds not a good mix.
I almost bought the farm a few years ago on a corner when an opposite direction Polaris rider came out of nowhere in my lane on a corner at hyper speed I fortunately had just enough time to exit the trail to my right without hitting a tree and the Polaris ended up in the bush right behind me 100 feet in! His sled did not fair well.
Lots of traffic on trails everywhere nowadays and we have rooky riders on huge powered sleds not a good mix.
I almost bought the farm a few years ago on a corner when an opposite direction Polaris rider came out of nowhere in my lane on a corner at hyper speed I fortunately had just enough time to exit the trail to my right without hitting a tree and the Polaris ended up in the bush right behind me 100 feet in! His sled did not fair well.
did you beat the crap out of him or stand and clap at his wrecked sled?
So, behind the house I've got about 400' of testing grounds. Just enough to work on the holeshot. 8" of powder that needs to be packed down so when it freezes I can continue.
Low & behold as temps swing from daytime highs of 7° to 30's then 40's....I can't win. &$#@!¥€¢£!!!! Lol!!
So, behind the house I've got about 400' of testing grounds. Just enough to work on the holeshot. 8" of powder that needs to be packed down so when it freezes I can continue.
Low & behold as temps swing from daytime highs of 7° to 30's then 40's....I can't win. &$#@!¥€¢£!!!! Lol!!
Notsure if you have one or not but i suggest you get a draggy. Only sure way to know(unless have a sled to test against) if you are improving.
Notsure if you have one or not but i suggest you get a draggy. Only sure way to know(unless have a sled to test against) if you are improving.
Rev them up, I'm just in the infancy stages of set up, with 280 tune.
The setup I had before would definitely cause concerns to 850s & other 998 turbos from the dig. (Stock tune) no, I'm not the fastest, but could definitely hold my own.
Just taking some transfer out of it to keep the skis down.
I also want to try a very low engagement spring I have. Just to see how the sled reacts.
Love to hang with a few of you guys for a day or so, just to see how we each got here. And what's working in the real world.
Might be quite surprising....
When we meet a group out on a lake, especially people you don't know, the 850's, 900r's and now the Boosted Boosts are expecting to beat the 998t in the first 300' +/- and then for you to get around them, at some point.
Imagine what it's like for them to have the wind taken from their sails in 100'.
I'd prefer to break their spirit a whole lot sooner.
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Sounds like a nightmare...It's not just RX1's that shouldn't be doing it. Lol. Lots of snow covered obstacles. Sinks, logs, microwaves, engine blocks. All covered with 20" of powder. Lol. Good times.....
Didnt have a skid plate...brand new. Good thing I bought But I did roll the other was a friend, still cost 2 grand to rebuild the motor. Ran great...probably still running somewhere. I like that the 998 sits pretty far up from the belly..just in case...
When we meet a group out on a lake, especially people you don't know, the 850's, 900r's and now the Boosted Boosts are expecting to beat the 998t in the first 300' +/- and then for you to get around them, at some point.
Imagine what it's like for them to have the wind taken from their sails in 100'.
I'd prefer to break their spirit a whole lot sooner.
Even if as fast as a stock sw, can they ever duplicate the throttle feel? I mean, its always right there, and so much fun to drive with a responsive engine. Just feels right.
did you beat the crap out of him or stand and clap at his wrecked sled?
Why is it always a Polaris? When I always led, for years, it was always a Polaris on my side in a blind corner! You learn to expect it.
Even if as fast as a stock sw, can they ever duplicate the throttle feel? I mean, its always right there, and so much fun to drive with a responsive engine. Just feels right.
I'm on various competitors groups And all I can say is things are changing fast. Both the 900r & boosts are startIng to wake up. I've been very complementary to both, and its blind to not see what's coming.
The only reason I tuned my winder Was I'm going to have to face off with modded 900r's and boosted boosts. And I refuse to sit on a lake making excuses.

Them: but you're 280hp....
Me: yeah so?!?! lol....
