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Mobile 1 who uses it in Vector...etc


Mar 27, 2013
Reaction score
Belmont N.H
2016 Yamaha srviper ltx dx
Just wondering what eveyone is using for oil in the sleds?
Mystik full synthetics: 0-40 in motor and 75-90 in chaincase
Yamalube in all 3 Apex's
Except Mobil 1 5w-30... One of the worst possible 5w-30's out there, it shears down to a low 20w fairly quickly. Every other M1 oil is decent.
Where in the world did you get that information from?
Kinda hard to believe that all they're oils are highly rated except 5w30.
Seems like MOBILE1 is sharper than that!
Mobile 1, 0W-40 , Started using it after 600 mile Break In. I have 7800 miles no problems !
Mobil Delvac 1 in 5w40

Same oil in my diesel trucks, Honda Rincon, Polaris Ranger XP900, Honda generators, Deere CUT and garden tractors, Doo Renegade etc.
I use a lot of Rotella T6 0-40 in my quads, cars and everything with a motor.
Where in the world did you get that information from?
Kinda hard to believe that all they're oils are highly rated except 5w30.
Seems like MOBILE1 is sharper than that!

Spend an evening reading BITOG, it is a massive forum dedicated to tribologists. (guys who spend their nights worrying about oil) The data comes from people sending in oil samples to blackstone and other labs. M1 5w-30 generally shears down fairly quickly in any high rpm/pressure/temperature situation. Fine if used in a stock V8 at relatively low rpm. Not good if used in a high rpm or boosted engine. (also note, this is only the standard M1 5w-30. M1 5w-30 ESP is a completely different oil and far better.)

Mobil 1 has a very good marketing department, their actual oils are middle of the pack, there are far, far better ones out there. Rotella T6 is generally much better, as well as German Castrol, or Penzoil Ultra Platinum.
