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Mobile 1 who uses it in Vector...etc

Mobil 1 0w-30 for 5 years.
Mobile 1 0W-40 full synthetic. Works and never had an issue in 10K miles
Yep. Mobil 0-30 in the Nytro, Mobil in my EcoBoost, Mobil 20W-50 V2 in my Buell. My buell has 28K on it and sounds damn healthy still.
0W-30 Mobile1 for years in all my sleds, no issues.

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My only thing is that I wanted to use an oil that I could find easily. With most of my riding in the U.P., it's not a easy to find Yamalube if I were to ever need to. I would've actually been using Royal Purple all these years if it were easier to find up there too. Not that I expect to really need to find oil, but you never know.. One JB Weld job to a cracked oil tank in your hotel room after dragging your sled back to town might make a readily available oil a better choice.
I honestly don't think it's really going to make a huge difference what you use since it's not likely you're going to go 5k on an oil change in one season anyways. Most any synthetic would realistically work just fine as long as you aren't switching brands and neglecting to change it.
I'd be more worried about using a good filter rather than deciding between which of the top brands of oil to use.

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I agree with you as long as you use a good quality oil and change it at regular intervals there shouldn't be any problems. The shop that I go to has Yamalube at a reasonable price so that's what I run. I put on 1500 miles at the most every year and I change the oil every year regardless how many miles I ride.
Have used semi-syn Yamalube then Amsoil 0-40 (?) and are now using Mobil 1 0-40. Was told by somebody that I trust on this board that Yamalube is a great oil and I'd keep using it but I WILL NOT support the local Yamaha dealer in any way, shape or form. I live in Rice Lake, WI.

I have been using M1 75-90 gear oil for years and it seems to perform well.
