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modified exhaust violation Bracebridge , Ont


Dec 20, 2007
Ajax,Onatrio, Canada
2006 Yamaha Apex RTX
Got a ticket today for having exhaust modified under motor vehicle act.
Guy was a total dick. no warning nothing. Wasnt even giving her.

HAs anyone gone to court to fight one of these and what were the results ? Am I waisting my time ?

You are the first I've heard of. I would take it to court. Did they take pics?? If not, "your honor, my exhaust is as it came from the factory". Worst thing can happen, you pay the fine.
the law is for modified exhaust, while the excell is not oem it is not modified,as long as db are within allowable limits, just easier for the opp to blanket charge all aftermarket exhausts if they think to hard they will forget how to use radar guns.
and they know most people are out of district and will just pay the 110
I would like to have a louder exhaust but I also like to have a few cocktails while I am sledding and I do not need to give the DNR a reason to stop me for a discussion.
Post this at freedomsledder.com in the Ontario section or ask Odot1 over there what he thinks.

From what I have read about the law, it sounds way to ambiguous for a charge to stick imo.



the opp were on operation "break balls" this weekend. obviously it was due to the occuring deaths and crashes on several occasions during the weekend.
i hope its a short term thing. i get that the excell is a bit louder but its reasonable and within the DB.
wkeggenhoff said:
Got a ticket today for having exhaust modified under motor vehicle act.
Guy was a total dick. no warning nothing. Wasnt even giving her.

HAs anyone gone to court to fight one of these and what were the results ? Am I waisting my time ?

Any modifications on the exhaust system is not allowed in the MVSA. Only stock factory exhaust is allowed. If you run something else, go to court, you will loose a day and most likely get a higher ticket.

I don.
't think that the cop was a dick, you are because you did something what isn't allowed and are still thinking that you are right. Open exhaust closes trails!

they were giving us a hard time also on the weekend. we go down to the local lake and run radar on our machines. sunday the cops showed up and said they had a guy complain, so they were doing their jobs. after we talked to them for 20 minutes they left. they did say if they came back they would be checking for "cans" or other modifications to your sled this means turbo's.
it's been a dismissal year for tourism in the area let alone having the cops cracking down on the few that are out spending money in the area.
hey, any of you guys wanna sell the excell exhaust? i'll buy it.
If it looks like modded exhaust from the outside, you don't have much of a case. If its modded exhaust, but looks stock and is just a bit louder then stock, you'll probably win that in court if the opp doesn't provide decibel difference between stock and modded. I've seen some modded exhaust where it's not louder then stock and still gave out a ticket. This is where you can't legislate comon sence.
It's unfortunate the cops go out in full force after a couple deaths in the area and nail everyone on sticker placements, modded exhaust, speeding over the limit of 50 kms/hr, use of light covers etc etc..... And never deal with the real issues that kill riders.
I've been a victim in the past getting a $110 for having blue transparent light covers, which turned out to be legal in the day. Now the only thing going through my head is to grab a hand full of throttle going by the stop checks. I spend allot of money making sure everything is legal and the last thing I'll put up with is speeding while going over 50km/hr (31 mph).

Dano said:
If it looks like modded exhaust from the outside, you don't have much of a case. If its modded exhaust, but looks stock and is just a bit louder then stock, you'll probably win that in court if the opp doesn't provide decibel difference between stock and modded. I've seen some modded exhaust where it's not louder then stock and still gave out a ticket. This is where you can't legislate comon sence.
It's unfortunate the cops go out in full force after a couple deaths in the area and nail everyone on sticker placements, modded exhaust, speeding over the limit of 50 kms/hr, use of light covers etc etc..... And never deal with the real issues that kill riders.
I've been a victim in the past getting a $110 for having blue transparent light covers, which turned out to be legal in the day. Now the only thing going through my head is to grab a hand full of throttle going by the stop checks. I spend allot of money making sure everything is legal and the last thing I'll put up with is speeding while going over 50km/hr (31 mph).


OK, so exactly what do you think are "the real issues that kill riders"?
Blue Dave said:
Dano said:
If it looks like modded exhaust from the outside, you don't have much of a case. If its modded exhaust, but looks stock and is just a bit louder then stock, you'll probably win that in court if the opp doesn't provide decibel difference between stock and modded. I've seen some modded exhaust where it's not louder then stock and still gave out a ticket. This is where you can't legislate comon sence.
It's unfortunate the cops go out in full force after a couple deaths in the area and nail everyone on sticker placements, modded exhaust, speeding over the limit of 50 kms/hr, use of light covers etc etc..... And never deal with the real issues that kill riders.
I've been a victim in the past getting a $110 for having blue transparent light covers, which turned out to be legal in the day. Now the only thing going through my head is to grab a hand full of throttle going by the stop checks. I spend allot of money making sure everything is legal and the last thing I'll put up with is speeding while going over 50km/hr (31 mph).


OK, so exactly what do you think are "the real issues that kill riders"?

1st, Alcohol and the riding habits that come with it.
2nd, comon sence and the lack of ability to apply it .
3rd, mix a bit of 1st and 2nd

You can do 60 mph (100 km/hr) cruising down a wide open trail in full control and still get a ticket for speeding and breaking the law.
Having that said, I'm sure it's hard to "police" the real issues, but common sense works both ways. I do have to add that I have met some great law inforcment officers that are down to earth. I really don't mind showing my license and registration as it does help locate stolen sleds. But I've seen a few duds out on the trail that just don't like snowmobilers.

exhaust fine

Wasn't a cop. Was the STOP patrol. there was 3 of them right in town.They stppped us once coming into Bracebridge. Checked all paper work lets us through. We stopped for a few minutes and they moved by us. We caught up to them 15 min later. this time one of the other guys pilled me overthis time. He happened to be on an Apex as well. Said exhaust was modified , not stock. He didnt take pictures of it. I said why are you pulling me over now. He said the other guy didnt notice it the first time. Played stupid said I bought it this way. Gave me ticket as there was a zero tolerance for non OEM exhast. $110 ticket.
Excell is not much louder tyhan stock at moderate speeds untill you crack it. I dont do it around populated areas or at night. Wasnt driving like an idiot either
So today booked my pre-trial meeting with prosicutor.
Going to fight. Printed a copy of motorized Snow vehicle act section 1 and 2 very vauge. But I have a good case. Also refers to motorized vehicle safety act

And as for "Greggie" didn't ask for your smart #*$&@ comments. Its not an open exhaust either you tool. Better too keep your mouth shut instead of opening it up about something you knothing about. Read the act before you make any comments.

Will post the act when I can scan. Think it will be an easy win.
